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Share The Last Good Deed You Have Done.

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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I rescued a stray cat the other day that was about an hour from death. It's now in a cardboard box full of fluffy blankets and starting to come around and drinking milk from a syringe.


Did some shopping for an elderly neighbour today.


Bless you for rescuing  the cat

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6 minutes ago, horribleblob said:

I'm lucky then, because with my neighbours, whoever gets to the emptied bins first, puts them back in place. A tacit arrangement.

No they don’t do the same for me and she is a teacher. If I didn’t when it is windy the bin would be blow into The River Tyne.  Her mother does sometimes when she is looking after the children when the neighbours are at work.  

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8 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I rescued a stray cat the other day that was about an hour from death. It's now in a cardboard box full of fluffy blankets and starting to come around and drinking milk from a syringe.


Did some shopping for an elderly neighbour today.









You're my hero now.👍

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37 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I thought I'd start a Happy and positive thread tonight and ask the forum 

'What's the last good did you have done'?

It can be anything. Something you did for a family member, a friend, a neighbour or a complete stranger. 

I'll start. A few weeks ago me and the little one were shopping in Morrisons and started chatting to an older chap. He was lovely and very interesting to talk to. We went our separate ways and we did our shopping. 

In the carpark we were setting off home and saw him again.

He was struggling with his bags so we asked if he had far to go.

He did and I doubt he'd have managed.

So we gave him a lift home with his shopping. He was so grateful but apologetic too. We had a lovely chat. Turns out he lives alone and struggles to get out so we left him my number and told him to call us any time he needs anything.

Bless him, he was genuinely surprised we'd taken the time to talk to him and offer help.

And in all honesty it made us feel really good.

So, what's your most recent good deed? 

Don't be shy now.

:thumbsup: I helped a little old Lady get something off the top shelf in Sainsburys 

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10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I rescued a stray cat the other day that was about an hour from death. It's now in a cardboard box full of fluffy blankets and starting to come around and drinking milk from a syringe.

Excellent job.  Get him/her checked out at the vet asap. 


I took a stray cat in a little while ago.  He had a worm infestation and an eye infection that became ulcerated.  He's had an operation and is now on the mend.  I call him Floof.


He's a lovely cat, but he put the other half in hospital after the bloke tried to stop him fighting another cat.  Infected bite that required an op and four days' worth of intravenous antibiotics.  Less painful than the vet bill though.

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2 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Excellent job.  Get him/her checked out at the vet asap. 


I took a stray cat in a little while ago.  He had a worm infestation and an eye infection that became ulcerated.  He's had an operation and is now on the mend.  I call him Floof.


He's a lovely cat, but he put the other half in hospital after the bloke tried to stop him fighting another cat.  Infected bite that required an op and four days' worth of intravenous antibiotics.  Less painful than the vet bill though.

I was listening to This Morning and I believe pet insurance costs have escalated/

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I tried to do a good deed but it wasn’t appreciated.

A young lady was going to park her car at the bottom of Lennox Road and below the “Clearway End “ sign .

I walked back 50 yards or so to warn her that the traffic wardens frequently ticketed offenders (myself included once) and advised her to move her car.

Somehow the conversation turned into a bit of an argument about what a daft rule that was and she wasn’t obstructing anything.Almost as though I was responsible 😁I I went on my way muttering “Do as you please then”.

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7 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I tried to do a good deed but it wasn’t appreciated.

A young lady was going to park her car at the bottom of Lennox Road and below the “Clearway End “ sign .

I walked back 50 yards or so to warn her that the traffic wardens frequently ticketed offenders (myself included once) and advised her to move her car.

Somehow the conversation turned into a bit of an argument about what a daft rule that was and she wasn’t obstructing anything.Almost as though I was responsible 😁I I went on my way muttering “Do as you please then”.

Similar thing happened to me RJRB.

A young lady in front of me in the bus queue was wearing a very, very tight skirt, it was so tight she couldn't lift her leg onto the bus platform.

So she put her hand around her back and tried to loosen the zip on the skirt, 3 times she tried,

So I put my hands around her waist, and gently gave her a push up.

She turned round and bellowed, "Keep your hands of me, you dirty old man"

So I replied "Under normal circumstances I wouldn't do that, but 3 times now you have undone my fly"

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