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2 minutes ago, Padders said:

Similar thing happened to me RJRB.

A young lady in front of me in the bus queue was wearing a very, very tight skirt, it was so tight she couldn't lift her leg onto the bus platform.

So she put her hand around her back and tried to loosen the zip on the skirt, 3 times she tried,

So I put my hands around her waist, and gently gave her a push up.

She turned round and bellowed, "Keep your hands of me, you dirty old man"

So I replied "Under normal circumstances I wouldn't do that, but 3 times now you have undone my fly"

😀 Did you get her number ? 😀

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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

Excellent job.  Get him/her checked out at the vet asap. 


I took a stray cat in a little while ago.  He had a worm infestation and an eye infection that became ulcerated.  He's had an operation and is now on the mend.  I call him Floof.


He's a lovely cat, but he put the other half in hospital after the bloke tried to stop him fighting another cat.  Infected bite that required an op and four days' worth of intravenous antibiotics.  Less painful than the vet bill though.

Ouch, that sounds painful.


But you’re right about the vet bill thing. My last dental bill was £75, for a few hours of treatment.


The dog had a tooth out recently. £800 … eight hundred bloody English pounds.

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2 hours ago, cressida said:

I had a new front door fitted a while ago but noticed that the letterbox had been positioned at the foot of the door,  so i bought a wall bin (not too large) so the post/lady/man didn't have to stoop.😇


Now the post person doesn’t have to ‘stoop to concur’ that you’ve made a wonderful improvement Cressida!😃



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Like many folks I’ll always lend a hand whenever I see that someone needs help.

Whether it’s helping a young mother negotiate a flight of steps with a pram and toddler in tow or taking someone in our village to the GP’s surgery because the bus service is none existent, I’m always willing to assist if I can. 
I have known my elderly neighbour and her husband, who died 15 years ago, for 51 years and a better couple you couldn’t wish to meet. Since she became a widow I’ve  cut the grass, re-set the electric when it’s tripped, seen to her bins, delivered her daily newspaper and, in general, kept an eye on her.

She sadly died aged 86 just before Christmas and having an empty house next door just isn’t the same. I hope the next neighbours are just as good as the last and perhaps they can help my wife and I as we reach our dotage.

As Lenny Henry said tonight ‘never give up helping and never give up giving.’



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I saw a guy outside Tesco in Pitsmoor yesterday who to me looked genuine down on his luck and I asked him what he wanted food wise and ended up buying him a few different items of food.

After he told me what he wanted I asked him if he wanted money instead and he said no the food items is what he wanted…

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9 hours ago, cressida said:

I was listening to This Morning and I believe pet insurance costs have escalated/

Yup.  And you should see the price of Sheba!

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7 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Ouch, that sounds painful.


But you’re right about the vet bill thing. My last dental bill was £75, for a few hours of treatment.


The dog had a tooth out recently. £800 … eight hundred bloody English pounds.

Floof had two procedures in one op: eye surgery and neutering.  The base fee for that, including anaesthesia and associated pre- and post-op care/tests was £1800.  That doesn't include consultation fees from our vet and the referral fee to the consultant/hospital etc.


UK watchdog plans formal investigation into vet pricing

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9 hours ago, Hecate said:

Excellent job.  Get him/her checked out at the vet asap. 


I took a stray cat in a little while ago.  He had a worm infestation and an eye infection that became ulcerated.  He's had an operation and is now on the mend.  I call him Floof.


He's a lovely cat, but he put the other half in hospital after the bloke tried to stop him fighting another cat.  Infected bite that required an op and four days' worth of intravenous antibiotics.  Less painful than the vet bill though.

It's in good hands. I will be taking it to the vet I use next week. The vet helps the organisation I sometimes work with and everything's is paid for by a charity.

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