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Protest In Waitrose, Ecclesall Road

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People have the right to protest in the UK. Does this include intimidating, waving flags, whistling and shouting (INSIDE the shop) in the face of vulnerable elderly people?


My parents are both deaf and struggle with walking and don't need this when they just went to buy a loaf of bread. My Mum is shook up beyond belief and already in poor health. She said one of the flag wavers nearly knocked her over. 


The police? Stood watching. I'm surprised there were any police actually. I haven't seen a police officer in years.



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If, as you say, they were intimidating customers INSIDE the shop, and the police were stood there watching, something doesn't sound right. Waitrose have the right to ask the police to remove the protesters from the shop, as they are technically trespassing, so why they didn't...

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4 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

so why they didn't...

But that would mean actually doing the job they get paid for? Are you mad? 🤣

Couple of days ago I watched an off road bike, no plates on it, spewing smoke, two riders, no helmets just hoodies pulled tight ride past a junction right in front of a police car, up onto the pavement and across the grass.

The police car turned the opposite direction.... zero F's given.

This country is broken.

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What was the protest about?  Could not find anything on Google, Twitter, or Facebook.


Seems quite strange considering it's a busy Saturday afternoon with the store filled with shoppers with camera phones in their pockets.  

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10 minutes ago, Jim Hardie said:

What was the object of the protest?

Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign, apparently.  They've decided to take the protest to Waitrose for some reason? 


It must be the JAFFA Cakes. 


These protests have been regularly meeting up just outside The Beer Engine on Cemetery Rd, so Waitrose is about a minute away. 

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