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What Were The Best Years Of Your Life?

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The best years of my life have been the past 52 years ever since I met my husband to be.   We've been married 50 years this year and have such a close family bond with our two children, son in law, daughter in law and four grandchildren,  what more could I possibly want  ?   


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1 hour ago, francypants said:

The best years of my life have been the past 52 years ever since I met my husband to be.   We've been married 50 years this year and have such a close family bond with our two children, son in law, daughter in law and four grandchildren,  what more could I possibly want  ?   


A brand new pair of Flip-Flops...........

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Every year I've had a throttle in my hand 

Every year I've had my foot on the gas.



Keep safe out there 8)


What! you wanted me get all sloppy, and say every year since meeting the now Mrs Rocker ?  :blush: 😀

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I'd say the last few years of the 90s when I was aged 10 to 13. I was out of the house more than I was in, whether that was on my bike, playing football or washing cars. I loved the freedom of it while having no responsibilities. Plus people seemed happier in the 90s too.

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Do folk who are now over 65 really think their best years are ahead of them?


I just find that odd as I know that mine were much better when I was younger, carefree and had no medical issues to worry about.




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Carefree,  riding bikes on street, comics, best music and groups.


Teenage period that I can only go back to via YouTube. 

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Ain’t life for living?


Married at 25.  Happily married for 34 years before cancer won her battle.

Followed by ten years widowed and moved to the Welsh countryside.

Started camping as a hobby….met a new partner.

Now in our 5th year together.


I don’t believe one era of my life any better than another.

It’s life. We can’t change it. 

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Looking back to my childhood in the ‘40s and ‘50s I was very fortunate and had a lovely time. Despite  not being wealthy by any means, we always had holidays and the family was travelling abroad on the French Riviera, in Italy and Spain before package holidays became a reality.

The ‘60s was the best of times and the worst of times to be a teenager/young adult for so many reasons. By the end of the decade I was engaged to be married but we split and that never happened.

Then I met my soul mate and wife to be. Proposed walking next to the River Wye in Bakewell, she said yes and the rest as they say is history. So that day is definitely the best of my life. 55 years and 3 sons later we’re still together and they said it would never last!

Life’s a journey and every so often we come to crossroads. I’ve always believed that whatever happens we can make it work out for the best in the long run.






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