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A Discussion on 5 love this morning revielede that some parents are paying in excess of £2500 per month in nursery fees for children to be cared for while mom and dad are at work.

Some of them are complaining about the fees .nursery owners say that they are struggling.

This has set me thinking , The £2500 being paid is more than millions of us have in  a month to actually live on , so summat not adding up there ,

Then I look back at our kids when they were pre school ,  Our carry on was that the Mrs worked twilight shifts or part time while the kids stayed with.grandparents for a hour or two , In other words we looked after our kids our selves , So why all this moaning these days , why can't the situation be the same , So do the children come second to career and life style.

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Not everyone lives within a workable distance of grandparents, and both parents often have to work full time to maintain income at level necessary to pay the bills. 

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14 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Not everyone lives within a workable distance of grandparents, and both parents often have to work full time to maintain income at level necessary to pay the bills. 

Aye and don't forget, with the current retirement age, those Grandparents could well be working a solid 9-5 themselves.

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2 minutes ago, geared said:

Aye and don't forget, with the current retirement age, those Grandparents could well be working a solid 9-5 themselves.

Or might not be as spry as they once were and don't relish the idea of being in charge of a toddler for hours/days at a time. 


And not ever grandparent wants to be used as on-demand free labour: You be the judge grandparents’ special: should my retired mum help out with the childcare more?



I said I’d only do the baby thing once, and I did. I raised Zara for 25 years, and during all that time I never wanted any more kids. One was enough. ...


Life is for living, and I’d like to make the most of what’s left of mine. Yes, that involves spending time with family, especially my grandchild, but I don’t want to be relied upon for free labour. ...


It’s difficult as a new parent to keep all the plates spinning. Zara is lucky in that she has Tim, just as I was to have my ex-husband, but the main responsibility for looking after a child lies with the parents. Zara is excellent with Luna and I’m very proud of her. I said I’d be around to help out when I can, but I don’t plan on staying around the corner for ever until I pop my clogs.


I’ve still got things I want to do. Zara is all grown up – it’s up to her and Tim to decide how they run their house. As my own dear mum used to say: I’ve done my time.


95% of respondents to that article agreed with her.

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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Can we please use the correct plural form of the work "nursery", please?

I bet you're missing that edit button about now.

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It's people wanting a career and Children at the same time.

Having both just does not mix.

If you want kids then stay home and look after them like the op said that is what happened with us until school age.

Personally I can't see the point in having Children if your never there to actually bring them up, call me old fashioned but that is my opinion 

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