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To Many People .

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On 19/03/2024 at 13:37, cuttsie said:

On Earth that is.

On T V we get the daily news flashes of people with bowls in their out stretched hands pleading for food .  

Some are interviewed by the well fed reporter from Sky or BBC  . The reply on many occasion s  is we have 8. 9. Or 10 children .  So why do they not just stop breeding , Its not hard is it . To many people on The Planet all after the same bowl of rice .  The solution is obvious.

I feel sorry for some of  the women in countries such as Africa.  A young girl can be forced into a marriage as soon as she reaches puberty and that can be 12 years old. They don’t have a childhood, but spend most of their early years giving birth. 


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2 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I feel sorry for some of  the women in countries such as Africa.  A young girl can be forced into a marriage as soon as she reaches puberty and that can be 12 years old. They don’t have a childhood, but spend most of their early years giving birth. 


Not only Africa

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2 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I feel sorry for some of  the women in countries such as Africa.  A young girl can be forced into a marriage as soon as she reaches puberty and that can be 12 years old. They don’t have a childhood, but spend most of their early years giving birth. 


I agree.     That's why it will always be hard to cut the birth rate because the women don't get a say in it and have to do as they're told.

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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I agree.     That's why it will always be hard to cut the birth rate because the women don't get a say in it and have to do as they're told.

And yet thousands upon thousands of folk with these morals and attitudes are being welcomed to our shores by the same folk who find their views abhorrent.


Go figure.





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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

And yet thousands upon thousands of folk with these morals and attitudes are being welcomed to our shores by the same folk who find their views abhorrent.


Go figure.





This is the problem with immigration that gets overlooked, it isn't just the number of people coming here but the cultural attitudes, including irresponsible breeding that they bring with them.

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5 minutes ago, despritdan said:

This is the problem with immigration that gets overlooked, it isn't just the number of people coming here but the cultural attitudes, including irresponsible breeding that they bring with them.

Surely we encourage them to have more babies by giving them more benefits. Although benefits stop at 2 children mow, or is that just child benefit?

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

And yet thousands upon thousands of folk with these morals and attitudes are being welcomed to our shores by the same folk who find their views abhorrent.


Go figure.





Are they ?         I don't know the people who are welcoming them who find their views abhorrent  -  do you ?


What we really need,  and what we've never had,   is a government who will openly discuss immigration and asylum properly and publicly so that we know exactly what's happening and why.

This discussion also needs to be weighted by the public view too and not conducted as though it's nothing to do with us.

We need  all political parties to come to agreement regarding further immigration and asylum and,  when  policy is put into place,  it should NOT be changed by whoever is in power to suit their ends.


First thing is to drop the stupid Rwanda debacle because sending 300 people there is never going to stop the millions waiting to come here.

Then form an all party group with public representation to get started because   NO MP's from NO parties,  have a clue what to do next and are just floundering.

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It seems that the original post which inferred that there were too many people in the world to feed has morphed into the immigration of both legal and illegal people to Britain.

Man made and natural disasters have always created famines and the best that can be done is for the richer countries to target aid better when needed.

There is much waste of both food and aid around the globe .

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2 hours ago, despritdan said:

This is the problem with immigration that gets overlooked, it isn't just the number of people coming here but the cultural attitudes, including irresponsible breeding that they bring with them.

A lot of immigrants I see or come across on my travels , have set up businesses.


Few I've seen are brilliant entrepreneurs,  now running food outlets or speciality foods, that they had from their original country.  


Obviously not all, but there are many ppl from these shores (UK born) that sit on their backside and try live off hand-outs.

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Our kids cannot get their own holmes or social housing,  People cannot get A Dr's appointment or a Dentist , The waiting times at hospitals are sometime years .  

Yet people on these pages still say let every one come in , Now I know that these folk are some times running away from wars etc, but most are economic migrants who then need the facilities that our kids and grand kids are denied ,  They need the DR's and dentists . the hospitals. the homes and so on .

So please tell me,how do our kids feel when they see these folk in social housing ,in housing association property while they are again shoved to the back of the line .

My own grand kids have no chance of ever getting a Co operperation house  and must save forever if they can actually buy a house .   Every time a house is in sight the price rises so the deposit needed rises and its catch 22 .

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