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11 minutes ago, Padders said:

My grandad, Hugh Mungus Padders was an international secret service officer and interpol cop.

He joined the intelligence department of MI5, but was only in it for a week after he swallowed a Rubik cube....

He was a weapons expert, he went to Holland to single handedly wipe out a huge and dangerous drugs cartel, armed to the teeth with several handguns, 15 knifes concealed about his person, 300 grenades, flash bangs, and even a 1970's box of standard fireworks.

He fell into a canal on day 1, and drowned after the weight of all the weaponary dragged him to the bottom..

They say a drowning man will clutch at a straw to save himself, Grandad clutched at what he thought was a straw, but it turned out to be the arming pin of one his concealed grenades...

He's now buried in Holland, France, Germany, Sweden, the English Channel, and possibly the moon.

Brave fella my Grandad.

😃 Brave but not very clever . 

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24 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You can talk about your family history until the cows come home if it makes you feel better but the fact still stands that I and many English colleagues spent every St Paddy's day breaking up scraps between the Irish, (who were also colleagues) in bars up and down upper Manhattan during the 90s, particularly he Limerick lads ( stab city)  who always ended up in a pile on with the Belfast lads.


Thing is, come the following day at work they would all be sporting cuts and bruises yet were all mates again.


Funny as owt it was.


Not sure what makes me a bigot, but if it makes you happy and calms you down then that's  ok.


You really are obtuse aren't you?

Lacking basic comprehension ability to an alarming degree. My family history was mentioned in order to refute your ridiculous uninformed opinion that I'm biased against the English and for no other reason.

If you had any basic comprehension whatsoever it would have been obvious to you that someone who had taken the trouble to research his English family history and had visited British war graves in France in order to honour the memory of an English cousin isn't biased toward the English.

But like many of your ilk any facts which are mentioned and don't fit in with your jingoistic notions are immediately taken as an attack on this Sceptred Isle and you get mardy.

Facts are facts, and yes every country has its share of thugs, especially in cities but for an Englishman to point the finger at the Irish in that context is hilarious.

Compare and contrast the behaviour of the English fans during a Friendly in Lansdowne Rd in 1995 which caused the match to be abandoned and the World Cup Qualifier at Windsor Park in 1993 when the Republics chances of qualifying rested on it. Both sets of supporters were Irish, the Troubles were still ongoing the Republic qualified with an equaliser yet there was no crowd violence.



And I'm perfectly calm and quite enjoying you digging yourself deeper into the hole 😉

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15 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You really are obtuse aren't you?

Lacking basic comprehension ability to an alarming degree. My family history was mentioned in order to refute your ridiculous uninformed opinion that I'm biased against the English and for no other reason.

If you had any basic comprehension whatsoever it would have been obvious to you that someone who had taken the trouble to research his English family history and had visited British war graves in France in order to honour the memory of an English cousin isn't biased toward the English.

But like many of your ilk any facts which are mentioned and don't fit in with your jingoistic notions are immediately taken as an attack on this Sceptred Isle and you get mardy.

Facts are facts, and yes every country has its share of thugs, especially in cities but for an Englishman to point the finger at the Irish in that context is hilarious.

Compare and contrast the behaviour of the English fans during a Friendly in Lansdowne Rd in 1995 which caused the match to be abandoned and the World Cup Qualifier at Windsor Park in 1993 when the Republics chances of qualifying rested on it. Both sets of supporters were Irish, the Troubles were still ongoing the Republic qualified with an equaliser yet there was no crowd violence.



And I'm perfectly calm and quite enjoying you digging yourself deeper into the hole 😉

Not at all, I am rather slim.



There we go, you got there in the end.


Carry on.

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4 hours ago, m williamson said:

It doesn't matter who asks me I have never in my life claimed to be either English or Irish for the simple reason that I'm neither. On the occasions when I've been asked I've said Half English, Half Irish or to shorten it, Anglo-Irish.


I was born in Sheffield which means I'm British but I've only ever held an Irish Passport which I have since 1972 meaning that my nationality is Irish.


The reason that St Paddys Day is celebrated and St Georges isn't is because the Irish like a laugh and know how to have one and the English only have a big celebration when their Lords and Masters  the royal family instruct them to do so. Or at least that's the way it seems to me. 



St & Greavesie  made me laugh 😉

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about have you.


When was your visit to the states that has led you to come to this preposterous conclusion or is it what you see on the telly?

The English declared war on Germany when that Country decided to invade Europe as well as gas six million innocent men women and children , The rest stood by , France decided they did not want to fight , Ireland invited the German officials to Dublin and had tea and biscuits no doubt discussing the football vandals across the sea who had the cheek to actually stand up and fight the fascist twaaats .

Italy joined the fascists , Franco was best pal with Hitler ,

And so it went on  when people call my Country vandals and hooligans I think back to those nice piece full nations and shout .  Where were you .

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1 minute ago, cuttsie said:

The English declared war on Germany when that Country decided to invade Europe as well as gas six million innocent men women and children , The rest stood by , France decided they did not want to fight , Ireland invited the German officials to Dublin and had tea and biscuits no doubt discussing the football vandals across the sea who had the cheek to actually stand up and fight the fascist twaaats .

Italy joined the fascists , Franco was best pal with Hitler ,

And so it went on  when people call my Country vandals and hooligans I think back to those nice piece full nations and shout .  Where were you .

Peace that is , Education is a marvellous thing int it .

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35 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The English declared war on Germany when that Country decided to invade Europe as well as gas six million innocent men women and children , The rest stood by , France decided they did not want to fight , Ireland invited the German officials to Dublin and had tea and biscuits no doubt discussing the football vandals across the sea who had the cheek to actually stand up and fight the fascist twaaats .

Italy joined the fascists , Franco was best pal with Hitler ,

And so it went on  when people call my Country vandals and hooligans I think back to those nice piece full nations and shout .  Where were you .

You are an absolute prime example of the type of uninformed Englishman that embarrasses the rest with your nonsense.


France had a land border with Germany and were overwhelmed by the German Blitzkrieg tactics. Had Britain had a land border with the continent the Germans would have continued on into England and been drinking Laphroaig  in Aberdeen by September. The BEF were defeated and driven out of France by the Germans and only the channel, the Royal Navy and Hitler's admiration for the British empire ( hoping he could come to an arrangement with a fellow Germanic race ) prevented it happening.

The Irish had only ended a war of Independence with Britain 17 years previously. Despite which over 133,000 Irish men and women joined the British forces to fight the Nazis.

https://www.fourcourtspress.ie/books/2021/irish-men-and-women-in-the-second-world-war/#:~:text=In this updated edition%2C new,some 64%2C000 from Northern Ireland.

Nearly 10,000 Irishmen died fighting in WW2.


As for people criticising this country have you any small grasp whatsoever of English/British history?

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