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Sheffield's New FREE Electric City Centre Buses (Sheffield Connect)

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19 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Any news on these buses being stolen or are they waiting until after the Mayoral elections  ?

Not heard a whisper from my other source - yet - but there do seem to be questions to be answered, not least as to why they were 'stored' at an unregistered 'operating centre'.

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1 minute ago, SheffieldForum said:

We’re in Purdah. Very unlikely anyone will be able to comment until after the elections.

I shall await a full explanation with great interest, especially in view of what appear to be some errors in 'administration'

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was interesting to note yesterday that this fantastic 'new' and 'free' service was being extremely well used - not. I used the SC1 four times over various sections, and never had more than four people on the bus - including me!

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As a point of interest, I have discovered this white-elephant scheme has a total cost over its 3-year intended life of £3m (approximately) - a very expensive way of transporting fresh air!!

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I used the SC1 yesterday afternoon. Not the fastest way of getting anywhere given all the doubling back on itself around City Hall / Leopold St but reassuring to see that the bus I was on was very well patronised. The driver was quite 'agitated' though (with at least some justification thanks to an imbecilic van driver cutting in front of us on Division St) but then totally missed my stop on Rockingham St. End result a longer walk from Moorfoot.

Earlier that afternoon three people boarded the SC2 at Millsands earlier - an improvement on my last journey when it was only me.

For brand new (and electric at that) buses they're very rattly though - not a good omen for longevity.

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Maybe they should just run them on a Saturday then  - during the week they seem very quiet. I've used the SC1 a couple of times since - once Interchange>West Street, and Cumberland Street>Interchange, neither of which had more than four passengers.


As to the drivers, personally I find them some of the least friendly I've encountered anywhere, but I suppose if you're just driving fresh air...

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