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Batley Protests

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39 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

If people decide to settle in this country, they have to accept the practices of this country - if you go to anywhere that has a different culture YOU adjust to that, NOT expect them to adjust to yours.

Stop talking sense, you will have the cops round for hate speech!

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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

If people decide to settle in this country, they have to accept the practices of this country - if you go to anywhere that has a different culture YOU adjust to that, NOT expect them to adjust to yours.

Agree completely with that. The thing is that the people who protest and make a big thing out of this type of thing tend to be the minority in their own culture.

I knew an Asian couple quite well and got on with them. The wife dressed in a way that was suitable to her culture, long dresses, colourful tops and her hair down to her shoulders, no face covering. She and her husband were practicing Muslims. I once asked her what she thought of those women who wear the burka and cover their faces. You should have heard the rant she had! Apparently it has nothing to do with any instruction in the Quran. In her opinion it is purely down to dominating controlling men who wish to treat women like second class citizens in order to feel like Big Men.

Given that quite often when you see a woman dressed like that her man is dressed like a gangsta rapper with backward baseball cap and sun glasses and trainers costing hundreds you can believe it.


" When in Rome "


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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Agree completely with that. The thing is that the people who protest and make a big thing out of this type of thing tend to be the minority in their own culture.

I knew an Asian couple quite well and got on with them. The wife dressed in a way that was suitable to her culture, long dresses, colourful tops and her hair down to her shoulders, no face covering. She and her husband were practicing Muslims. I once asked her what she thought of those women who wear the burka and cover their faces. You should have heard the rant she had! Apparently it has nothing to do with any instruction in the Quran. In her opinion it is purely down to dominating controlling men who wish to treat women like second class citizens in order to feel like Big Men.

Given that quite often when you see a woman dressed like that her man is dressed like a gangsta rapper with backward baseball cap and sun glasses and trainers costing hundreds you can believe it.


" When in Rome "


I agree totally with the lady. Unfortunately, their culture is a male-controlled one, with most of the 'controllers' being slightly out of touch with the world - intentionally. As you say, it always seems to be the women who have to 'conform'- never the men.


I still know a practising Muslim couple - he is a doctor, she does a full time receptionist job at a clinic, and apart from the obvious signs, you would take them as an English couple, although she does cover up, it is in more of a European than Asian style. The really weird thing though, is that they celebrate Christmas as a family - when I looked 'surprised', the answer I got was 'We are in the UK, you celebrate it - so why can't we'? As was explained, they want their daughters to grow up as 'British' not Anglo-Pakistani.


Agree with the 'When in Rome' comment also, which I think I alluded to above.

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22 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I once asked her what she thought of those women who wear the burka and cover their faces. You should have heard the rant she had! Apparently it has nothing to do with any instruction in the Quran. In her opinion it is purely down to dominating controlling men who wish to treat women like second class citizens in order to feel like Big Men.


I think that happens more than people realise too. I once worked with a Muslim lass who never covered her hair and wore western style dress. She had a couple of weeks off work to get married, and when she came back to the office she was wearing a hijab and more loose fitting clothes. It was pretty obvious that her husband had made her do it.

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I did wonder after the BBC link in post #14 - but I still stand by everything I have posted in this topic. I also query the call for a 'social cohesion department' in that report - as said previously, if they want to live in this country, they accept our culture.

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