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Blood Pressure Check


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Anyone any ideas on how I can relax whilst having my blood pressure checked at the doctors, as I suffer from hypertension and I have white coat syndrome too 

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12 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

Anyone any ideas on how I can relax whilst having my blood pressure checked at the doctors, as I suffer from hypertension and I have white coat syndrome too 

Get it checked at your local pharmacy - although I didn't think doctors wore white coats these days?

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I’d still be stressed at the pharmacy, no they don’t wear white coats anymore, it’s just a name given to anxiety about blood pressure checks.

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17 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

Anyone any ideas on how I can relax whilst having my blood pressure checked at the doctors, as I suffer from hypertension and I have white coat syndrome too 

If you have actually been diagnosed with hypertension than surely blood pressure checks and some form of monitoring will have already been undertaken.


Most people I know with that condition get asked to do a check once a year anyway. 


Alternatively, if you are that worried, you can buy a blood pressure monitor from most pharmacies or supermarkets or even Argos.  


However, I doubt it will help your condition if you're obsessively checking it and getting paranoid about it going up and down.

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Just now, ECCOnoob said:

If you have actually been diagnosed with hypertension than surely blood pressure checks and some form of monitoring will have already been undertaken so just await until the docs call you.  


Most people I know with that condition only have to get a check once a year anyway.  Just try to keep it out of you mind. Think it nothing more than a routine,  1 minute painless task putting your arm in a machine.  As simple and easy as stepping on a scales.  


Alternatively, if you are that worried about doing it in a GP surgery, you can buy a blood pressure monitor from most pharmacies or supermarkets or even Argos.  


However, I doubt it will help your condition if you're obsessively checking it and getting paranoid about it going up and down.

EDITED after rereading first post. 

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3 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

I’d still be stressed at the pharmacy, no they don’t wear white coats anymore, it’s just a name given to anxiety about blood pressure checks.

Sorry, should have realised, but I'm multi-tasking and didn't realise exactly what I posted.

Are you someone who gets easily stressed - if so, mention this to whoever does the test, doctor or pharmacy, as you won't be the only one and they may be able to offer advice, which would be better than taking the word of random strangers.

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If your GP is concerned that your blood pressure is high and it may be just anxiety, they usually ask you to take a week of home readings, which they will then take an average from

Some practices have BP monitors that they can lend you for this (though there may be a waiting list).

If you're in a position to do so, they are readily available from pharmacies, though if you have it for years it won't get calibrated - I don't know how inaccurate they may get but I know NHS equipment gets yearly checks.

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