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So What Did The English Do For Us .

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As a resident of scotland these days,due to new laws brought in by a person of colour,I am no longer allowed to comment as I could get a criminal record......apparently!

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

Our language must be hard to learn,  so many words have different meanings and some sound the same.

Would and wood.

Write and right.

Two and too.


English must be a pain in the bum to learn! 😂

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9 minutes ago, dsweetman said:

As a resident of scotland these days,due to new laws brought in by a person of colour,I am no longer allowed to comment as I could get a criminal record......apparently!

To be fair the new law in Scotland was proposed long  before the person of colour became Scotland's first minister.

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5 minutes ago, Pyrotequila said:

Would and wood.

Write and right.

Two and too.


English must be a pain in the bum to learn! 😂

You could start a separate thread on it.👍

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:



So what do you think .will.future generations look back and say . Just what did the English do for us .

Angleland = England, land of the Angles, a north German tribe. Has had an enormous influence on the world, far more than its size would account for. 

It created the largest geographical empire the world has ever known 25% of the earths land. The English language is the most descriptive language in the world, and as the purpose of a language is to describe human emotions that makes it the best in the world in my opinion. The reason it's so descriptive is that English absorbed other languages and incorporated them into English. There are thousands of French, Latin, Greek. Indian and other nations words which are part of the English language making it so brilliant. William Shakespeare was a genius, P G Woodhouse is my all time favourite comedy author.

Like all empires, the one that the English created was responsible for some absolutely outrageous atrocities, those are often ignored by the ill-informed jingoistic element. But it is what it is,  and in the tale of human history England has played a significant part, a lot of which has been beneficial to the world.

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4 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Angleland = England, land of the Angles, a north German tribe. Has had an enormous influence on the world, far more than its size would account for. 

It created the largest geographical empire the world has ever known 25% of the earths land. The English language is the most descriptive language in the world, and as the purpose of a language is to describe human emotions that makes it the best in the world in my opinion. The reason it's so descriptive is that English absorbed other languages and incorporated them into English. There are thousands of French, Latin, Greek. Indian and other nations words which are part of the English language making it so brilliant. William Shakespeare was a genius, P G Woodhouse is my all time favourite comedy author.

Like all empires, the one that the English created was responsible for some absolutely outrageous atrocities, those are often ignored by the ill-informed jingoistic element. But it is what it is,  and in the tale of human history England has played a significant part, a lot of which has been beneficial to the world.

Smashing reply . It seems as though we may.be looked upon in the same way as we now look back on Roman times .

But I dread the way the Country is losing it's identity as we speak .

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Many  times I hear the comment .  So what did the Romans do for us .   The answer is always that they built magnificent roads .drains. Farms . Buildings and brought civilisation to Britain .

So this has set me thinking . In years to come . Say a thousand or so will the inhabitants of these lands say the same .. What did the Eng

Ish do for us .


I say this due to.a shift in populations . Take a walk down town and sometimes one thinks one is in a foreign land .  The speech around us can be confusing making us wonder just how far the Country has changed .


So what do you think .will.future generations look back and say . Just what did the English do for us .

So many things, but where would the world be without Terry Pratchett, Monty Python and The Beatles? (If we embraced the uppity Scots for a moment we could even lay claim to making marmalade popular the world over)


.......and socially we've historically done the Right Thing. Opened our arms to many worthy cases in their time of need; The Ugandan Asians, the Vietnamese boat people, those displace when it all kicked off in Bosnia etc etc. 


We have many faults but I'll always be proud to be English. Despite Johnny Foreigner's finger-pointing, we're Nice People. I'm hoping that will be remembered hundreds of years from now.

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2 hours ago, Zach Clay said:

More like 100 years


Empires and Civilisations have come and gone and the west as we know it today will be unrecognisable by the end of the century 


Europe is being colonised

More like 30 years, have you seen the lights on Oxford Street?

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23 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Smashing reply . It seems as though we may.be looked upon in the same way as we now look back on Roman times .

But I dread the way the Country is losing it's identity as we speak .

England will never lose its identity, it has influenced the world in numerous ways, as of course have many other countries. I get irritated with those who insist on bulling it up to ridiculous degrees.

There is absolutely no need, this country has made its mark and will continue to do so. There is no need to make daft claims as to its influence when the truth is so impressive.

Doing so diminishes the reality. What needs to be accepted is that the empire is long gone but we still have incredible influence. The political performance over the last decade has not been impressive and has damaged our image, but providing we can get a grip we will remain a major ' Player '.

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