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'Mental Health Culture Has Gone Too Far'

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8 hours ago, NicolaJayne said:

guess what   for some types of anixety and depression   talking therapies are  exactly what is needed  

in some cases   Antidepressants  do have role in  enabling people to  start addressing their  anxiety and depression and making the relevant changes 


Not gonna disagree, but I think it’s labelling some patterns of thought and belief as « illness » that I take issue with. And guess what, sometimes education is enough without entering into therapy.  

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5 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

Not gonna disagree, but I think it’s labelling some patterns of thought and belief as « illness » that I take issue with. And guess what, sometimes education is enough without entering into therapy.  

you need to work  on not  letting stigma and dogma    influence ahead of the evidence base 

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12 hours ago, NicolaJayne said:

you need to work  on not  letting stigma and dogma    influence ahead of the evidence base 

Sorry Nicola could you clarify please ?

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12 hours ago, NicolaJayne said:

you need to work  on not  letting stigma and dogma    influence ahead of the evidence base 

Yes ok. I’m not convinced about the evidence base for much of psychiatry eg. ECT as a treatment for depression. Also  the side effects of drugs can be disabling. How do you convince  a young woman to take drugs for beliefs that other people don’t find acceptable when taking them causes huge weight gain. Similarly for a young man when a side effect is loss of libido or sexual dysfunction ? 

All weaknesses of the evidence base

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12 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Yes ok. I’m not convinced about the evidence base for much of psychiatry eg. ECT as a treatment for depression. Also  the side effects of drugs can be disabling. How do you convince  a young woman to take drugs for beliefs that other people don’t find acceptable when taking them causes huge weight gain. Similarly for a young man when a side effect is loss of libido or sexual dysfunction ? 

All weaknesses of the evidence base

thank you for confirming you have no valid clinical opinion  on this topic .  

thank you for confirming you  are  someone with an axe to grind aobut   evidence based care    rather than  anti-psychiatry  quackery 

a discussion about  IAPT, CBT, counselling and possibile a bit of  psychodynmaic  therapy  is not the place to be exercising    edge cases  

I t also appears you may need to talk to someone professionally  about your fixation and intrusive thoughts  with other people's sexual activities and sexual attractiveness to you 

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12 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Yes ok. I’m not convinced about the evidence base for much of psychiatry eg. ECT as a treatment for depression. Also  the side effects of drugs can be disabling. How do you convince  a young woman to take drugs for beliefs that other people don’t find acceptable when taking them causes huge weight gain. Similarly for a young man when a side effect is loss of libido or sexual dysfunction ? 

All weaknesses of the evidence base

the evidence base of ECT is sound 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/05/2024 at 13:31, Ridgewalk said:

Obviously 40 years in various towns cities hospitals, communities in a number of clinical specialities is insignificant compared to Nicola’s “evidence base” 

 you donl;t appear to have a grip ofthe evidence base 

if, as you assert, you are a Healthcare  Professional, you have a  legally required  duty  under your professional registration to  practise in a evidence based  manner 

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On 07/05/2024 at 19:21, NicolaJayne said:

thank you for confirming you have no valid clinical opinion  on this topic .  

thank you for confirming you  are  someone with an axe to grind aobut   evidence based care    rather than  anti-psychiatry  quackery 

a discussion about  IAPT, CBT, counselling and possibile a bit of  psychodynmaic  therapy  is not the place to be exercising    edge cases  

I t also appears you may need to talk to someone professionally  about your fixation and intrusive thoughts  with other people's sexual activities and sexual attractiveness to you 

Does this last sentence  debate the topic or the person posting ? 

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