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Sheffield Homelessness At All-Time High

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When you are dealing with this as the background, policy choice 

Ministers have come under mounting pressure to reverse policies that have seen the number of new social homes being built plummet by 97 per cent since 2010. The total number of homes built by councils across Britain totalled just 1,840 last year, although this was the second highest since 2012.


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27 minutes ago, HairFarceOne said:

Perhaps if the numbers were viewed in the context of This, it would change the narrative away from the usual blame game?

I agree empty homes are a problem.  And second homes.  There are not enough to provide homes for a population growing at the current rates.  It’s really not about a ‘blame game’, it’s logistics and the environment I'm thinking about.  Not blaming people on a little boat or whatever you might be thinking.

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Sheffield has loads of empty properties that could be brought back into use but often left to rot. Sometimes the owner lives overseas or  just can not afford the repairs or has lost all interest. Charging council tax on second properties might not work in the way the council wants it too also Sheffield has unused land to build on I don't mean greenfield sites I mean land that has had a building on before but for whatever reason been left to go wild.  We could house people if the will is there.

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9 hours ago, cressida said:


The international law which forces countries to accept unlimited immigration should be challenged.

Which law is that one please?

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7 hours ago, cuttsie said:

There are to many people chasing housing, hospital treatments, Dr appointment s and so on , have you visited the accident and emergency at the local hospitals of late , hundreds sat there for hours on end , we are full up .

Unfortunately, yes I have.
The number of medical staff who appeared to be immigrants, or the children of immigrants, was very noticeable and far exceeded the proportion of those waiting.

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6 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

What the heck?!


How are we conflating the homelessness issue in Sheffield with immigration?!


Speak to some of the homeless charities (Archer Project, NOMAD, Roundabout, etc) in Sheffield and see what they say are the causes of homelessness — I bet not one of them give immigration as a major reason.



If immigrants don't figure on the statistics, then this would imply that they are all housed and homelessness is confined mainly to indigenous people?

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3 hours ago, carosio said:

If immigrants don't figure on the statistics, then this would imply that they are all housed and homelessness is confined mainly to indigenous people?



"Immigrants"  may well have bought their own house by now, or living in private rented accommodation, or social housing.  Some will be homeless, due largely to similar problems to "indigenous people" eg mental health, poverty, drugs, alcohol and combinations of the aforementioned.







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11 hours ago, butlers said:

Single households and Good News ,longer life spans are driving the majority if the shortage.

It is funny that more or less ANY new housing development in Sheffield on this forum gets decried .


In 1901 the population of Sheffield was 450k and yet the city occupied a very small area - approx Hillsborough Corner north to south, Broomhill to the city end of Attercliffe west to east.


None of the existing council estates or vast tracts of private housing existed.

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IMO the homelessness epidemic is caused by lack of affordable housing. Shortages and greed have forced prices and rents sky high, and many people simply cannot afford them on ordinary wages, and still keep up with their bills.. 

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