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Oj Simpson

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Just now, despritdan said:

I've just heard the journalist who was on the helicopter which filmed the car chase saying good riddance because he was a horrible, violent man.

I believe him.

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The funeral cortege will probably move at a faster pace than he and the pursuing cops did while chasing him down watched by millions on prime time TV.


One of the weirdest most surreal things I've ever seen,  nothing like the famed Hollywood police style chases as made famous by Steve McQueen in Bullet.

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2 hours ago, cressida said:

He may well have made off like that to protect his son.

It wasn't his sons DNA all over the place tho.


That doesn't mean his son wasn't involved still.

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3 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I remember Simpson trying on a pair of gloves  during his murder trial  that didn’t fit.  I’m sure it was because of this he was found not guilty.




There were rumours he had injections in his hands to make them swell slightly so the gloves would not fit . 

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2 hours ago, Vrsaljko said:

Good riddance.


The TV series called The People Versus OJ Simpson is pretty good though. I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

The mini series was an exceptionally good depiction of the case and true to the book it was based on  called ‘The people vs O J Simpson’ by Jeffrey Toobin which is worth reading, the author concentrates on the facts, the DNA and witness statements to put Simpson at the murder scene.


One piece of evidence at the original trial, the size 12 footprint in the blood at the murder scene proved to be crucial to establishing Simpson’s guilt at the subsequent civil trial.

At the time of the first trial it couldn’t be established whether Simpson, who takes a size 12,  owned this particular pair of shoes called Bruno Maglis - at the civil trial it was established that only 299 pairs had been sold in the USA.


Simpson denied owning a pair,  saying he wouldn’t wear an ugly shoe like that, the lawyer then showed him a photograph of Simpson wearing the shoes at a Buffalo Bills football game 9 months before the murder. ‘The image is fake, it’s been doctored to show a smoking gun’ said Simpson’s  lawyers.


31 further images were sent  in from the same game, ‘Are they all fake too?’ Asked the prosecutor.  It’s a long time since I’ve read Toobin’s book but I recall they eventually tracked down a receipt for a pair of Bruno Maglis (size 12) that was linked to Simpson’s credit card.





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