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1 hour ago, hauxwell said:

I have already said this on here. There is a large Jewish Community in Gateshead and smaller one in Newcastle next to Gateshead. They have been here for hundreds of years, more came over from Europe after the Second World War. They do tend to stick together but they are a peaceful race, you never hear of them being in trouble with the police, signing on or grooming children.  

They have had to hire private security. Sad after all the years the Jewish community have lived here these peaceful people have had to resort to having security patrol the streets where the majority live.


The Orthodox Jewish community of Gateshead is the third largest in Britain, and is one of the most important seats of Jewish further and higher education in the world. It is located within the neighbourhoods of Bensham and Saltwell, located within the wards of Bridges, Lobley Hill & Bensham and Saltwell. Most of the Jewish families, educational establishments, shops and businesses are mostly found in an area loosely defined by Prince Consort Road, Saltwell Park, Whitehall Road, Bewick Road and Durham Road. During term time the population of the community is boosted to around 5000.

Over the last few years, Gateshead Council together with other public sector organisations such as Northumbria Police and Gateshead Primary Care Trust has developed a close working relationship with the Orthodox Jewish Community within the Borough.

It's absolutely disgraceful.

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2 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I have already said this on here. There is a large Jewish Community in Gateshead and smaller one in Newcastle next to Gateshead. They have been here for hundreds of years, more came over from Europe after the Second World War. They do tend to stick together but they are a peaceful race, you never hear of them being in trouble with the police, signing on or grooming children.  

They have had to hire private security. Sad after all the years the Jewish community have lived here these peaceful people have had to resort to having security patrol the streets where the majority live.


The Orthodox Jewish community of Gateshead is the third largest in Britain, and is one of the most important seats of Jewish further and higher education in the world. It is located within the neighbourhoods of Bensham and Saltwell, located within the wards of Bridges, Lobley Hill & Bensham and Saltwell. Most of the Jewish families, educational establishments, shops and businesses are mostly found in an area loosely defined by Prince Consort Road, Saltwell Park, Whitehall Road, Bewick Road and Durham Road. During term time the population of the community is boosted to around 5000.

Over the last few years, Gateshead Council together with other public sector organisations such as Northumbria Police and Gateshead Primary Care Trust has developed a close working relationship with the Orthodox Jewish Community within the Borough.

"Sad after all the years the Jewish community have lived here these peaceful people have had to resort to having security patrol the streets where the majority live."


Do you have a link to this, hauxwell?

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Watched Channel 4 news earlier and was shocked and utterly disgusted at the report revealing how  Israeli  soldiers are behaving.


I knew that in a previous war there similar details had been revealed by former soldiers who later spoke out,  because I had read about the organisation ( Breaking The Silence)  but to see  it being repeated really is appalling. 

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4 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I have already said this on here. There is a large Jewish Community in Gateshead and smaller one in Newcastle next to Gateshead. They have been here for hundreds of years, more came over from Europe after the Second World War. They do tend to stick together but they are a peaceful race, you never hear of them being in trouble with the police, signing on or grooming children.  

They have had to hire private security. Sad after all the years the Jewish community have lived here these peaceful people have had to resort to having security patrol the streets where the majority live.


The Orthodox Jewish community of Gateshead is the third largest in Britain, and is one of the most important seats of Jewish further and higher education in the world. It is located within the neighbourhoods of Bensham and Saltwell, located within the wards of Bridges, Lobley Hill & Bensham and Saltwell. Most of the Jewish families, educational establishments, shops and businesses are mostly found in an area loosely defined by Prince Consort Road, Saltwell Park, Whitehall Road, Bewick Road and Durham Road. During term time the population of the community is boosted to around 5000.

Over the last few years, Gateshead Council together with other public sector organisations such as Northumbria Police and Gateshead Primary Care Trust has developed a close working relationship with the Orthodox Jewish Community within the Borough.

So who is threatening them or giving them a hard time?

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3 hours ago, janie48 said:

Watched Channel 4 news earlier and was shocked and utterly disgusted at the report revealing how  Israeli  soldiers are behaving.


I knew that in a previous war there similar details had been revealed by former soldiers who later spoke out,  because I had read about the organisation ( Breaking The Silence)  but to see  it being repeated really is appalling. 

I'm sad to say if you've seen it repeated on any mainstream news channel, those reports likely pale into insignificance compared to some of the stuff I wish I hadn't seen; no, unusually for me, I'm not posting links to any of the Twitter stuff. I've certainly not visited the Telegram channels etc 😢

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10 hours ago, BigPP said:

"Sad after all the years the Jewish community have lived here these peaceful people have had to resort to having security patrol the streets where the majority live."


Do you have a link to this, hauxwell?

I have no links on the private security but was told about this by someone who works at the Jewish Girl’s Teaching College in Gateshead and I have seen security standing on streets when driving past the area the odd time. 

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9 hours ago, mafya said:

So who is threatening them or giving them a hard time?

I haven’t heard of any threats so can’t say if there has been any, therefore I would like to think these measures of hiring there own private security have been taken to prevent anything happening in the future. The area has become more diverse in recent years also Gateshead has taken in a large influx of cannel migrants. They are living in flats and hotels near the Jewish Community.  


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2 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I have no links on the private security but was told about this by someone who works at the Jewish Girl’s Teaching College in Gateshead and I have seen security standing on streets when driving past the area the odd time. 

The only thing I can find relating to this is from 2016 which suggests there is nothing new here.




"Yeshivah buildings, and other Jewish institutions in Gateshead, are protected by the Community Security Trust and by unarmed guards, in a country where police do not carry arms except in special circumstances."


Nevertheless, I have no doubt there are incidents of abuse against Jews just as sadly there are against many other minority groups in this country. 



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13 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

It's absolutely disgraceful.

Yes, it's disgraceful that they should feel the need to.
CST have likely had a presence there for some time, and may or may not have increased their staffing and or visibility.

Record funding will protect Jewish communities from harm   HMG Feb 2024
Jewish communities will receive dedicated security and protection thanks to the biggest financial commitment ever made by the government to tackle antisemitism.

At the Community Security Trust’s (CST) annual dinner last night (Wednesday 28th February), Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to give the organisation, which was established to protect Jewish community sites, more than £70 million over the next 4 years, as part of the Jewish Community Protective Security Grant. The funding will increase security at a range of Jewish buildings across the country, including schools, synagogues and other facilities used by the Jewish community. 


Meanwhile, in other news

Islamophobia report highlights Conservative party’s institutional failings  Financial Times.

Highly critical inquiry says comments used by prime minister were insensitive to Muslim communities


Fortunately there is action being taken to protect other religious institutions too; I wonder now much the necessity for this is due to the previous link.
£117m to protect UK mosques and Muslim schools from hate attacks  BBC

More than £117m will be spent to protect mosques, Muslim schools and community centres in the UK from hate attacks over the next four years, the government says.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said the investment would give "reassurance and confidence" to British Muslims.

It will be spent on measures including CCTV cameras, alarms and fencing.

The announcement comes in response to concerns the Israel-Hamas conflict is fuelling division in the UK.

Mr Cleverly said: "Anti-Muslim hatred has absolutely no place in our society. We will not let events in the Middle East be used as an excuse to justify abuse against British Muslims.

"The prime minister has made clear that we stand with Muslims in the UK.

See Also


Overall, 35%of Mosques experience a religiously motivated attack at least once a year. 

Of the mosques that have experienced attacks, 83% have been attacked at least once a year.

Overall again, 9% report that their Mosque or Islamic institution is the target of attacks “very frequently” defined as at least every 3 months.


I'm genuinely  curious as to whether the need in Gateshead etc. is a perceived threat, or a real one; if the latter, then it should certainly be condemned every bit as much as threats to any other group or individual. 
If a perceived threat, then some actvist groups, maybe even the CAA, are achieving their ends.
It may be a mixture of the two of course

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