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Should We Phase Out Alcohol?

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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

So the same logic could be applied to anyone who derives enjoyment from a pint or a short or a cocktail,

Incidentally, I really enjoy a cigarette but can live without the alcohol.

I don’t ythink that makes me inferior or superior in any way,


Having a moderate amount of alcohol elevates your mood above baseline, smoking doesn't. Having a smoke generates relief from minor withdrawal, not pleasure. If I were to hit a Tory in the head with a hammer every five minutes but then pause for an hour, are they enjoying that hour, or just relieved? 


And anyway, as you were born before 2009 you are free to smoke.

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10 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Having a moderate amount of alcohol elevates your mood above baseline, smoking doesn't. Having a smoke generates relief from minor withdrawal, not pleasure. If I were to hit a Tory in the head with a hammer every five minutes but then pause for an hour, are they enjoying that hour, or just relieved? 


And anyway, as you were born before 2009 you are free to smoke.

Your political hatred should be settled at the ballot box, not made a hobby of.
Back on topic I drifted into smoking as a kid, I realised late in life that I didn’t need it and just stopped with very little trouble. As for drinking it was something that accompanied  me during all waking hours. Looking forward to a lunch time pint before a pub sandwich and then early bar, not content with that I then hit the red wine back at home prior to eating, yes I was on the border of some sort of alcoholism. I’d retired from work so the lunch time pint was the easiest to quit, early bar was helped by my local turning into a venue for low life’s, so that ceased.. I ended up by quitting the red wine, which I really enjoyed, and settling for two or three cans of beer in the late afternoon prior to the evening meal.

I hope that this helps, you are far bigger than the fags and the booze. 🤙

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18 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Maybe we should ban everything - this administration is creeping towards a totalitarian state, and to think I used to trust the party currently in power - now there is no-one fit for the job, as the alternatives have even more draconian ideas..



True.  The nanny state should be the preserve of the labour party not the conservatives.

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13 hours ago, Delbow said:

Governments keep changing the pension age. That means that people born on adjacent days have different rights. Do you think all the changes made to the pension age should be undone?

You are comparing apples with oranges.   


The changes to pension age was the correct thing to do.  People are living longer and are much healthier in their 60's than 40 years ago.  

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21 minutes ago, Axe said:

You are comparing apples with oranges.   


The changes to pension age was the correct thing to do.  People are living longer and are much healthier in their 60's than 40 years ago.  

We are living longer, but some 20/30 year olds are less healthy than 60 year olds.

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23 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Silly comparison.  Alcohol has positives.


Smoking has absolutely none.



But the cost to « society » is greater from alcohol use  than cigarettes.



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