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Beano And Dandy Annuals.

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I acquired a few brand new unread Beano and Dandy annuals free, over twenty years ago. I stashed them on top of a wardrobe, well wrapped up, and planned to sell them one day. 

Time passed, and we had a Son, and three years later another Son!

The Beano and Dandy Annuals remained at the top of the wardrobe, and one day I just thought about how much our children were old enough to love them, so I took them downstairs and gave them to our boys.

Our eldest loved them instantly, not one off wonder, they were read over and over, and eventually by our youngest son too. They've traveled many miles with us, and our eldest son still has them. 


Probably stacked on the top of his wardrobe! 

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I don't know about anyone else, but I often worry that I've not achieved what I could have, especially when I meet up with others my age, and find they made it in business, a trade or whatever, and have a far better house, income etc than me.


Perhaps I shouldn't think that way, but still, that 's how it is.


Anyway, when I find that contempories of mine (people of around the same age), are not doing as well,-----well that sort of makes me feel I'm not doing too bad!


I remember as a kid reading about fellow schoolkids at a different school, and what they got up to.  Plug, Spotty, Fatty, Cuthbert and so on attended the Bash Street School, and it appears they are still there, as I got a copy of the Beano Summer Special2003 . 


Whereas I left my school, got a job, had partners, had jobs, went abroad, bought a house and so on, these kids never did.  Sad for them, but at least (if it is possible to take confort on others lack of fortune) it makes me feel a bit better as I've had a life, while their is (at best) delayed.


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18 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Whizzer & Chips for me. 

I used to get Whizzer and Chips too, but unlike the The Beano and Dandy I can't remember the characters in it!

18 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Whizzer & Chips for me. 


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7 hours ago, echo beach said:

The Rupert Bear annual was a regular Christmas present for me from the 1940s and I still have quite a few tucked away in the loft.



They must have a  acquired some value as a collectable item. I'm sure you wouldn't want to sell them though. 

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1 hour ago, Draggletail said:

I used to get Whizzer and Chips too, but unlike the The Beano and Dandy I can't remember the characters in it!


I must admit, I had to look this up.  It's 'Sid's Snake'.  It was usually on the front page of Whizzer and Chips. 

Can't remember any of the other characters.  I guess they aren't as memorable as 'Korky the Cat',  'Desperate Dan', 'Dennis the Menace', 'The Bash Street Kids' or 'Lord Snooty:? 



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