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6 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:

Obviously there will be exceptions. The general rule of thumb in the prepper community though is to not disclose what supplies you have. Good on you for helping others out, but in the event of some grid down scenario that lasts weeks where all the shops are empty, then your house is likely to  be the first port of call for many. Once people are going hungry and you only have a couple of weeks worth of food for your own family, then things would likely get nasty. What's that saying, something like 'humanity is only six meals away from anarchy' or something...

Yes, I agree and with that in mind we don't keep everything in the at home store room. Like the cash the bulk of our goods are kept secure only a short walk from home. 

For sport and relaxation we shoot our crossbows. Hunting crossbows with 175lb draw weight would bring down almost anything with a well placed bolt. Pistol crossbows with approx 80lb draw weight are surprisingly damaging too.

They are strictly for enjoyment and fun but obviously should the brown stuff hit the swirly thing in a big way their use could be 'expanded'. 

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3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Yeah but we were though. You must have missed all the times I pointed this out. 

We are all doomed the end is nigh 

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53 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yes, I agree and with that in mind we don't keep everything in the at home store room. Like the cash the bulk of our goods are kept secure only a short walk from home. 

For sport and relaxation we shoot our crossbows. Hunting crossbows with 175lb draw weight would bring down almost anything with a well placed bolt. Pistol crossbows with approx 80lb draw weight are surprisingly damaging too.

They are strictly for enjoyment and fun but obviously should the brown stuff hit the swirly thing in a big way their use could be 'expanded'. 

Been looking into pistol crossbows as a defensive piece of kit - an 80lb one can cost you as little as 35 quid.

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4 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

Been looking into pistol crossbows as a defensive piece of kit - an 80lb one can cost you as little as 35 quid.

Yes, and they are ridiculously accurate too. Even I can hit the target. The bolts for them a very cheap too. Even the aluminium shaft bolts are very cheap if bought in bulk. 

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Yes, and they are ridiculously accurate too. Even I can hit the target. The bolts for them a very cheap too. Even the aluminium shaft bolts are very cheap if bought in bulk. 

I did a bit of archery and really enjoyed it... but with how cheap the crossbows are, and the little amount of space needed to practice, i'll defo be getting me some kit for summer days in the back garden.


I think i saw a pack of 12 aluminium, 6.5in shafts for around £7. Very reasonably priced hobby.

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21 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

But is that opinion based solely on the idea of armageddon? I used to think it was, but having watched/listened to some bits, they prep for a whole host of reasons, right down to things like when there's a fuel/food shortage or a financial crash.


We've seen what it's like when people panic buy and the shelves are empty. Would it really hurt just to have an extra stockpile of tinned/dried goods as well as grow your own?



No, I think it's a good idea if you don't become obsessed to the point where you are not enjoying life now.  Some of the survivalists in the US take it to the extreme.

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34 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

GBNews has a lot to answer for 



This thread has nothing to do with GBNews.


If anything, it's the more mainstream media outlets that peddle fear when it vomes to climate/Covid/armageddon etc.

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