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First Buses Tap On Tap Off

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26 minutes ago, BigAl1 said:

Right so does that mean the if I make 5 trips in a day First bus will get £10 

No, it means they get 5 x the payment due under the ENCTS agreement - providing of course that SYMCA pay what is due.

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1 hour ago, Grumpycatweasel said:

first & stage coach etc need to both use the same system 


this is what i pay Sheffield council executives £250,000 per year to sort out 

Absolute garbage. First and Stagecoach are private entities, and SCC have zero control over what they decide to use.

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12 hours ago, rogets said:

When I board a bus my phone often runs out of power so I can't pay, its happened everyday throughout April.

May I suggest you get on one of the free  Connect electric buses that circle the city centre as they have USB ports where you can charge your phone. The buses are effectively a mobile power bank for charging devices whilst you're being chauffeured around our glorious city :)

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Resident said:

I can explain TOTO for you & I can tell you that you have it mostly right. TOTO is also on buses in London too as they're cashless & Oyster is pretty much dead these days. 

So TOTO is fitted to all First buses in South Yorkshire & only works on First buses.
There are a few vehicles that don't currently have the Tap Off reader fitted and a couple have become faulty. Those are being dealt with ASAP (They aren't cheap or easy to fit. They also have to be certified for security).

On those vehicles the ticket machine by the driver serves as both tap on and tap off. 

So tapping on/off costs you £2 (unless you've travelled a very short distance, which the £1.50 fare is valid) on each bus. So 1 bus = £2, 2 buses = £4, 3 buses = £6 and so on. 
However once you reach the threshold of a FirstDaySaver (Sheff £5.20, Roth/Donc £5.40, SYorks £6.40) then the TOTO system caps your charges at that rate. 
So if you only travel in and around the Sheffield fare zone and catch 3 buses you will be charged £5.20 for that day. 

TOTO doesn't stop at FirstDaySavers though, it works for FirstWeek savers too, in the same sort of way. 

So if you travel, using TOTO throughout the week (Sun-Sat) and you cross the threshold of a FirstWeek saver (Sheff £17.90, Roth/Donc £19.30)

If you don't tap off the system will charge you the maximum fare for that journey. Now currently pretty much every journey is £2 so it's not a big deal due to the fare cap, which is one of the reasons First introduced TOTO now, to get passengers used to the system without being charged more than £2. 

As of yet I've been unable to ascertain if journeys that haven't been tapped off still count towards the running total. If I get a response from my query or find out another way then I will update. 

Thank you for the explanation, that's very helpful.


I would be interested in learning what happens if you forget or can't tap off. With London Underground if you don't tap out of the station you lose the benefit of your fares being capped at the day rate as the system thinks you are still in the underground.


So I wonder if failing to tap off a FIRST bus would reset your next fare as if it was your first one of the day, and you have to start totting up again?

Edited by WarPig
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Of course the TOTO system was of no use to me today as no less than two No 1 buses in a row failed to turn up at my bus stop, leaving me stood waiting for over 40 mins. I ended up getting he wife to drive me into town in her car.


I find the buses convenient, but the only thing worse than one not turning up, is when two in a row don't turn up!

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