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Jk Rowling Thread

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…it is gone.


What a nightmare of a thread.


Lots of potentially transphobic comments, lots of arguing, lots of abuse on all sides. Some people should be ashamed.


I went out for a couple of hours and came back to more than 20 reports — all from different people, all about different posts, all from different viewpoints.


So, to set the scene for future — Transphobia is not ok. Homophobia is not ok (there’s at least one example of that in the thread, even in this day and age 🫤), Misgendering is not ok. Personal abuse is not ok.


Live and let live. None of this will ever really affect you personally, it is just thoughts in your mind (ironically some of the people getting annoyed at people having opposing thoughts on this issue are the ones who previously championed ‘free speech’ and being able to post what they wanted with no repercussions).

Most people don’t have a horse in this race, so please don’t try to be a jockey here…


If you don’t like any of that then don’t post in threads that are likely to trigger you, put people you don’t agree with on ignore, move past certain topics, etc.


I’ll go through the reports tomorrow when I’ve had more time to calm down and be more objective.



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Well, that was a lunchtime spent reviewing the thread and some of the comments in there - which I don't appreciate. Such a poor thread all round really.


A number of warnings and actions have been taken. I refer people again to the Guidelines and the rules:



And once again: if you feel something breaks the guidelines please report it and move away. Don't continue the argument and potentially stoke it further.


If you don't like somebody then please put them on your ignore list in your account settings so you don't have to see their posts - it is far more productive than constantly bickering with them and derailing threads.



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