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Sheffield's New Parking Rules To Improve Safety For Pedestrians And Cyclists

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Cobbled street with a car double parked next to another car


New parking enforcement rules are to be introduced across Sheffield aimed at making roads and pavements safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


From Monday 20 May, motorists could be issued a penalty charge if they park across dropped kerbs (which have been lowered for vehicle access or pedestrians), in cycle lanes, or are not parked close to the kerb.


HGVs will also not be allowed to park with wheels on the footway, unless loading (as allowed by national regulations), while non-licenced vehicles parked up and offering goods for sale may also be penalised.


The new enforcement rules have been introduced following a recent consultation where over half of those who replied had experienced vehicles blocking their driveways while over 70% said they had experienced vehicles blocking pedestrians, dropped kerbs and double parking.


Motorists who are found to be breaking the new enforcement rules and causing obstruction to other road users, could face a fine of £70, reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days.


Richard Eyre, Director of Streetscene and Regulation at Sheffield City Council, said: “The aim of these new enforcement rules is to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe on Sheffield’s roads and these new rules allow the council to enforce against obstructive parking that could previously only be enforced by the police.


“Double parking, for example, may obstruct other road users including emergency services vehicles while parking in front of dropped kerbs can put people with visual impairments, or with restricted mobility at risk as well as impacting drivers trying to enter or leave a premises.”


* Drivers are also reminded they need to obtain a pay and display ticket or PaybyPhone session as soon as they park their vehicle.


If drivers are short of cash, many locations now offer an option to pay by card at a machine while PaybyPhone allows drivers to pay via an app, online www.paybyphone.co.uk or by telephone.


Failure to display a valid parking ticket could result in a fine of £50, reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days.


For more information on the council’s enforcement and appeals policy can be found at Civil Parking and Bus Lane Enforcement Policy | Sheffield City Council

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Pretty sure these "new" rules already exist...

51 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

That’s available, but only in some areas.

Let me guess which areas it's not available......

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:

That’s available, but only in some areas.


"After a review process, the decision has been made to stop accepting evidence through this platform. If you have evidence of dangerous road use, that you wish to report to police please submit to https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/ Alternatively you can report an incident through to South Yorkshire Police's new website. Thank you for your participation and submissions between 2021 and 2024."


Edited by ThePilot
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1 minute ago, ThePilot said:


"After a review process, the decision has been made to stop accepting evidence through this platform. If you have evidence of dangerous road use, that you wish to report to police please submit to https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/ Alternatively you can report an incident through to South Yorkshire Police's new website. Thank you for your participation and submissions between 2021 and 2024."


Oh no! That’s the scheme I was thinking about.


Must’ve recently been stopped as I posted about it just a couple of months ago (although the reporting form seemingly wasn’t working then). Shame.

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Not sure that would have been applicable anyway, the police don't deal with parking issues. I think it would require the council to set up a platform where you could upload photos. Maybe a no-no anyway due to the ease of faking a photo.

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2 hours ago, Delbow said:

 Maybe a no-no anyway due to the ease of faking a photo.

Parking enforcement is highly regulated and most tickets have to be issued by a civil enforcement officer in person at the time of the contravention. 

Only a few parking contraventions, such as parking on school entrance markings or bus stop clearways, can be enforced by camera, and these have to be recorded on devices approved by the government.


This is how the government have set up the regulations.


Supplying parking services with information on times and locations where people see parking contraventions is useful and parking services do send out CEO’s to enforce them. There’s a contact page on the council website here

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