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General Election 2024: General UK Politics Discussion here

General Election 2024: Polling  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you be voting in the General Election 2024

    • Conservative
    • Green
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Reform
    • Other / Independent
    • None of the above
  2. 2. Is your vote the same or different to how you voted in the last General Election

    • The Same
    • Different

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The last election turned out to be all about Brexit, with Boris' spurious claim to 'Get Brexit Done! No one seemed to give a thought to what was going to happen generally in the following 5 years and we ended up with arguably the worst government we've ever had.


This time, Farage is making it all about immigration.

 Again, we have much more to worry about than that, and an urgent need for much to be sorted out, - and 5 more years to do it. Please give some thought to what is going to be needed in the next 5 years and who is going to be the best all rounder to do it.


The choice isn't great I'll admit, but don't make it about one issue politics or you may live to regret it. 

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34 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The last election turned out to be all about Brexit, with Boris' spurious claim to 'Get Brexit Done! No one seemed to give a thought to what was going to happen generally in the following 5 years and we ended up with arguably the worst government we've ever had.


This time, Farage is making it all about immigration.

 Again, we have much more to worry about than that, and an urgent need for much to be sorted out, - and 5 more years to do it. Please give some thought to what is going to be needed in the next 5 years and who is going to be the best all rounder to do it.


The choice isn't great I'll admit, but don't make it about one issue politics or you may live to regret it. 

I think Farage would like to make it about immigration, but I think the public have something to say about that - putting the cost of living, the NHS & social care, as well as housing above immigration.

The fact that Nigel and the Tories aren't gloating about Brexit tells its own story.

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29 minutes ago, Mister M said:

The Conservatives’ “project fear” tactic deployed to scare voters with the threat of a Labour “supermajority” has spectacularly backfired, new polling has revealed.

Project fear? 


To be honest, I don't even know why anyone is bothering spending money on advertising, Labour or Tory. 


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15 minutes ago, Mister M said:





If anybody ever doubted the power of the Tory owned press to decide elections, this sort of overkill rather proves the point.

It's now so blatent and lacking in any pretence at subtlety that hopefully people have stopped falling for it at last. Personally I'd like to see this sort of all out propagands banned entirely. 

What happened to newspapers reporting the news / facts, rather than unsubstanciated, ultrabiased opinion? 


Personally I'd like to see this sort of 

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9 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

‘Labour is coming after all that gives us pleasure’.  I take it that Tory loony was talking about austerity and Brexit?

More than likely....

They're a weird bunch, and after Thursday they'll be even more demented that Labour have a crack at power.

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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

More than likely....

They're a weird bunch, and after Thursday they'll be even more demented that Labour have a crack at power.

Trouble is this will continue relentlessly, doing down anything Labour attempts as an out and out disaster doomed to fail. You might think that after the election, that doesn't matter, but it does. As a country we have to attract investment etc. All this does is malign the country as a basket case that doesn't know which way is up, or at the very least, a divided country that no sane person would invest in.

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