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General Election 2024: Polling  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you be voting in the General Election 2024

    • Conservative
    • Green
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Reform
    • Other / Independent
    • None of the above
  2. 2. Is your vote the same or different to how you voted in the last General Election

    • The Same
    • Different

This poll is closed to new votes

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Old people have rights also and can vote how they want, with it being a democracy...

Absolutely. But they won't get a vote in another referendum after they've died. The young people who couldn't vote in the last referendum, despite being the ones most affected by the result, however will get a chance to have their say.

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39 minutes ago, alchresearch said:


There have  been nine murders with crossbows since 2011.


There have been 244 murders with a knife in just one year.


The Tories were looking at toughening up purchasing and owning rules - as the paper clearly states here:



not banning them outright.  



Please provide evidence of your assertion that Labour are going to ban crossbows.

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48 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Did they? 


David Cameron makes final plea for Britain to vote to remain in the EU



If it hadn't been for the Conservative's decades long infighting over our relationship with the EU there wouldn't have been a referendum on our membership and you know it.

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44 minutes ago, Wing Commander said:

It's embarrassing that they're still whinging about a referendum result that happened eight years ago on the 2024 general election topic.


Hardly, Brexit is a central cause of what has happened to the Tories.


It's timeline and their downfall run parallel with each other.

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25 minutes ago, Wing Commander said:

It's embarrassing that they're still whinging about a referendum result that happened eight years ago on the 2024 general election topic.  I suggest those whingers follow the example of bona fide Conservative voters who accept Labour won the general election and are wishing them all the best in governing the country and supporting them.


What's embarrassing is the inability of some people to understand how democracy works. For years prior to Brexit there were  Eurosceptics both in the general public and in politics, Bill Cash being a prime example. They were fully entitled to their view. Also fully entitled to their views are those people now who have seen what a complete costly and damaging waste of time Brexit has turned out to be.

We are not rejoining, I doubt the EU members would accept us back as things stand. Despite the nonsense spouted by Brexiteers the EU is a democratic union consisting of 27 sovereign member states, and all of whom have to be in agreement in order to allow a new member to join. Which proves what a lie the threat of Turkey being allowed to join while we were still members was.

Even Farage accepts Brexit is a failure.

 https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-uk-eu-brexit-has-failed/#:~:text=“What Brexit has proved%2C I,has failed%2C” he added.


What is now required is action to repair as much of the damage as we can. Commonsense would have us rejoin the Single Market and have ' The Norway Option ' that Farage kept going on about before the referendum, but as we don't appear to bother with commonsense these days I don't suppose we will.


In the meantime it would be helpful if Brexiteers stopped whining about people pointing out reality and hoping for some progress.


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Ed Milliband, he's put his foot down, I expect he's going to have to scrape the doodoo off before he enters the house again soon.

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