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General Election 2024: General UK Politics Discussion here

General Election 2024: Polling  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you be voting in the General Election 2024

    • Conservative
    • Green
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Reform
    • Other / Independent
    • None of the above
  2. 2. Is your vote the same or different to how you voted in the last General Election

    • The Same
    • Different

This poll is closed to new votes

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Prior to the 2024 election, many MPs were baffled why Sunak and his advisers called the election when he did. The Guardian possibly provides the (or part of the) answer:


Since the election some Tories have been whining about having to release prisoners early!


Similarly, ex Minister Chris Philp was on Sky this morning trying to Gaslight the nation:

How did that clown cling to his seat?

He was part of a government who broke the country , the public services , transport , waterways and the economy.

The inheritance from Labour in 2010 was far stronger than it is now , and yet Philp would have been parroting the lie that Labour bankrupted the Country .🤦‍♂️

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23 hours ago, geared said:


Surely it's some kind of medical condition? 


A 4 year old won't even have got their adult teeth coming through.


A former neighbour of mine was a dentist and she once had to remove all of a child’s milk teeth. When he was a baby/toddler the stupid mother had been giving him undiluted Ribena to suck in a pacifier. The child’s teeth all came through rotten, they’d gone bad before they even erupted because the sugar had got in through tiny cracks in the gums. 

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On 16/07/2024 at 16:50, Mister M said:

I was critical of Cameron's appointment for 2 reasons:

Firstly, he called the Brexit referendum to settle the ongoing split in his own party, then when the result of the vote of said referendum came through he walked away. Says little about him.

Secondly, he was widely reported by friendly sources that he was "bored ****less" since leaving office, and wanted "something to do". Well I'm sorry, but if that's the case then he should put his money where his mouth is and do something for the 'big society' which he championed as a salve for austerity.

You were critical of Cameron's appoint for one reason and that is because he is a Tory.  You're obsessed with criticising the Tory party and continue to do so rather than commenting on what the new Labour government are doing.

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2 hours ago, Wing Commander said:

You were critical of Cameron's appoint for one reason and that is because he is a Tory.  You're obsessed with criticising the Tory party and continue to do so rather than commenting on what the new Labour government are doing.

Can he stand  for leader off the party if he has no constituency  ?  He their best bet ,

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4 hours ago, Wing Commander said:

You were critical of Cameron's appoint for one reason and that is because he is a Tory.  You're obsessed with criticising the Tory party and continue to do so rather than commenting on what the new Labour government are doing.


Just perusing this thread from  afar, with no horse in the race, it seems to me that you have your main Parties misnamed.


I'm a social liberal, and a fiscal conservative, but I don't see a true Conservative Party in the U.K.


All I see are two parties in competition to run your socialist nanny state, and the one that promises most free benefits is likely to win. Racking up "spiraling", "unsustainable" (The Guardian) National Debt like drunken sailors, guaranteeing the next generation will have even less to spend on the "safety net" for the most needy.


Until you have a real right of centre Party, correctly named to avoid confusion,  there is not much to choose from as you totter from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis , and war to wars.

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6 hours ago, Wing Commander said:

You were critical of Cameron's appoint for one reason and that is because he is a Tory.  You're obsessed with criticising the Tory party and continue to do so rather than commenting on what the new Labour government are doing.

The Labour Party are doing very well, and most commentators which I have read have written what a breath of fresh air it is to have a Government quietly and diligently getting on with their work  rather than the performative nonsense and culture war crap for the simple minded we had under the previous government.


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