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General Election 2024: Polling  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you be voting in the General Election 2024

    • Conservative
    • Green
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Reform
    • Other / Independent
    • None of the above
  2. 2. Is your vote the same or different to how you voted in the last General Election

    • The Same
    • Different

This poll is closed to new votes

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1 minute ago, Axe said:

A sensible response more like.  We are now in the year 2024 and not the 1950's.  The modern day UK military rely more on technology than numbers of soldiers to fight conflicts.  The UK is not Russia which is using soldiers (prisoners) as cannon fodder in their war against Ukraine.  The UK military need the best and not unsuitable youths to fill positions. 

The vast majority need an installment of discipline,  a twelve month National service programme or as the Americans call it, a Boot Camp, would not go a miss and enlighten the uncouth yobs of today how to behave in society.  In the 1950s many  Conscripts/National Service Members after their initial service period actually enlisted into the regular Forces so apart from the short sharp shock treatment its also a way of showing the youth another direction in life instead of the dead end path they are on.

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

There will be 30 thousand places available for those wishing to opt for military service rather than doing work in the community.  It is a well thought out affordable plan.  It is a better idea than bringing back the old National Service because there is not enough barracks to house all the 18 years olds and not enough military available to train them.  Limiting the number to 30 thousand places will ensure only the most suitable for the military get trained. 

Why just 18 year olds.


They should get some of the grumpy old brexiters conscripted and forced to pick fruit.

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3 hours ago, gaz678 said:

I have always said national service would work wonders for the younger generation 🙄 


A good majority of the younger generation go to university, if you mean the work-shy, they will find a way to avoid national service.


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Another load of garbage spouted by a party that is desperate to cling on to power at a time when even its own MPs are deserting the sinking ship like the proverbial rats.

The Military itself doesn't want this to happen. They don't have the resources to handle such an intake of people. Defence spending has been reduced over the years and the military are constantly complaining we are currently in a bad position with regard to the country's defence. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russian-army-invasion-richard-barrons-overwhelm-withered-uk-putin-michael-fallon-defense-invasion-a7312986.html


To divert professionally trained troops away from the country's defence and involve them in dealing with the intake of thousands of reluctant recruits, some of whom are criminally inclined delinquents is a ridiculous idea..

Teaching people with psychopathic tendencies how to use weapons efficiently might also not be the best idea, and the belief that military service would somehow equip people to deal with the normal stresses of life isn't that convincing either.



A complete load of desperate boloney.




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58 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Why just 18 year olds.


They should get some of the grumpy old brexiters conscripted and forced to pick fruit.

Don't give them ideas.....................................Oh wait a moment 😉

Conservative MP ‘planned to put pensioners to work picking fruit'   The Metro

A Conservative ex-minister has broken new ground in the migration debate – by suggesting we could put pensioners to work picking fruit.

Owen Paterson reportedly wanted to ease migration pressures by abolishing the agricultural workers scheme which allowed migrants from Romania and Bulgaria to work in the UK and enlist retired people to do their jobs instead.

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Even as a Conservative supporter, I recognise this idea of conscription for a year isn't going to happen in the UK, even though some in the Tory Party are pointing to a few other European countries that do run similar schemes.   The volunteering a few hours on a weekend seems plausible. 


It's a crazy idea on many levels & about as daft as standing out in the rain without an umbrella. 

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10 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Even as a Conservative supporter, I recognise this idea of conscription for a year isn't going to happen in the UK, even though some in the Tory Party are pointing to a few other European countries that do run similar schemes.   The volunteering a few hours on a weekend seems plausible. 


It's a crazy idea on many levels & about as daft as standing out in the rain without an umbrella. 

its nothing more than them scrabbling about in the dark trying to come up with ideas to woo the traditional conservative voters back, i find it amusing that they keep parping out the same line, Labour dont have a plan, when labour have at least a mission statement of 5/6 things they want to achieve whereas the Tories have come up with


Oh the economies a little better.

The Rwanda planes wont be leaving till after the election

and now  *drum roll* national service


wowing the electorate with this fine list.

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The whole national service is a stupid idea - something dredged up from the past, not for the benefit of younger people, but something to tickle the sweet spot of voters who look back to their younger days with rose tinted spectacles. The people who wanted Brexit. So it's little wonder the idea has emerged when the Tory Party is on the ropes in an election campaign.

There are already opportunities for young people to volunteer should they wish to, and if they want to join the services then there is a well established process for them to do this.

Ironic that Tories are pointing to other European countries which have something akin to national service. I though the whole idea of Brexit was going our own way, and not following the herd....




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3 minutes ago, Mister M said:

The whole national service is a stupid idea - something dredged up from the past, not for the benefit of younger people, but something to tickle the sweet spot of voters who look back to their younger days with rose tinted spectacles. The people who wanted Brexit. So it's little wonder the idea has emerged when the Tory Party is on the ropes in an election campaign.

There are already opportunities for young people to volunteer should they wish to, and if they want to join the services then there is a well established process for them to do this.

Ironic that Tories are pointing to other European countries which have something akin to national service. I though the whole idea of Brexit was going our own way, and not following the herd....




its also to fill up the numbers a bit since the Tories are the ones that have cut the forces massively, while supposedly being the party of defence and security

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