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Will Sheffield deliver the first Yemeni MP

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Really nice profile in The Tribune this week on Abtisam Mohamed, City Councillor and candidate for Sheffield Central in the upcoming General Election. Here's a snippet:


"After qualifying in law she worked in the voluntary sector in the Burngreave community she grew up in, getting a front row seat to the damage austerity was doing. One of the first things to be affected was early years provision, as Sure Start centres started to be shut or cut back. Then it was programmes to help young people stay out of gangs. Later still it was the city’s libraries, many of which were forced to become volunteer run. Mohamed says that in more middle class parts of Sheffield, where there are lots of comfortably off retired people to fill the gap left by the state, this approach can work. But she knew that communities like the ones she came from needed paid staff if they were going to be able to maintain any library service at all. “That was the point at which I thought ‘well, we’ve got to do something here’. Everything is just going to close around us if we just sit and allow it to happen.”


"Eventually we get to the crux of the matter. If elected, what does she want to do with her time as an MP? She tells me that last summer, she ran a listening exercise in the constituency to find out what people’s priorities were. From this, three things came up: climate action and the green agenda, transport and buses, and public services like GP appointments and dentists. Alongside that, she says the key areas for her are young people and making sure we do more to address what we’ve lost in terms of youth services over the last decade. And she is also interested in reinvesting in communities at a local level. “The whole Levelling Up agenda for me felt wrong,” she says. “It was all about buildings, infrastructure and these abstract things. If there is going to be a real Levelling Up of places and communities, it really does have to be at a more local level.”


Give the full thing a read at The Tribune!

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Does it really matter if someone comes from Yemen, Vietnam or outer Mongolia? I don't understand this obsession with constantly pointing out that someone is the first black woman or Hindu man or whatever to hold a certain post.

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She's a British Citizen, no doubt she's trying to give a leg up to her community.



Same old usual Labour garb, whether she can follow through would be another matter.

 5 star reviews for her work and attitude



could do a lot worse, remembering Jared Cain O'Mara 

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17 minutes ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

She's a British Citizen, no doubt she's trying to give a leg up to her community.



Same old usual Labour garb, whether she can follow through would be another matter.

 5 star reviews for her work and attitude



could do a lot worse, remembering Jared Cain O'Mara 

Shhh . Not allowed to talk about him  , or Eddie Izzard . 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Vrsaljko said:

Does it really matter if someone comes from Yemen, Vietnam or outer Mongolia? I don't understand this obsession with constantly pointing out that someone is the first black woman or Hindu man or whatever to hold a certain post.

Indeed so, other than maybe from journalist's perspective.

I wish her the best, so long as she maintains this outlook.
In here own words on Twitter
Abtisam Mohamed @Abtisam_Mohamed May 14
I try not to think too much about being the first..

I'm just an ordinary woman who grew up in Burngreave who wants to do right by my city and all our communities 

Edited by peak4
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20 minutes ago, gaz678 said:

What about Rotherham Lord Amhed tuned out to be a child sex offender !


or Imran Khan, Tory MP from Wakefield sent to prison for sexual assault of a minor.

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