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2 minutes ago, mafya said:

How can anyone even have the audacity to try and defend the Nazi iDF?


You do know that one of the main tenets of Nazism is the hatred of Jews? So it makes little sense to call the army of a Jewish state 'nazis'. You're one of those people who just throws the word around without even knowing what it means. Go and lob some red paint on a McDonald's or something...

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12 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:


You do know that one of the main tenets of Nazism is the hatred of Jews? So it makes little sense to call the army of a Jewish state 'nazis'. You're one of those people who just throws the word around without even knowing what it means. Go and lob some red paint on a McDonald's or something...

Not strictly true, anti semitism was a by product of Nazi ideology, and yes Jews became the no 1 enemy, but they aren't why Naziism started.


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52 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:


You do know that one of the main tenets of Nazism is the hatred of Jews? So it makes little sense to call the army of a Jewish state 'nazis'. You're one of those people who just throws the word around without even knowing what it means. Go and lob some red paint on a McDonald's or something...

Nazis killed 6 million non Jewish people so no Nazis are not haters of Jewish people only so read no 2 definition here=
https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/Nazi#:~:text=1,a gang of racist Nazis

The state of Israel is being led by Zionists.

Why don’t you go and lob some paint on mc donalds yourself instead of telling me to do it to try and label me as something.

The idf has become what it despised once, an army of Nazis and I stick by that claim.

Attacking the poster is a sign you have lost the argument..

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33 minutes ago, mafya said:

Nazis killed 6 million non Jewish people so no Nazis are not haters of Jewish people only so read no 2 definition here=
https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/Nazi#:~:text=1,a gang of racist Nazis

The state of Israel is being led by Zionists.

Why don’t you go and lob some paint on mc donalds yourself instead of telling me to do it to try and label me as something.

The idf has become what it despised once, an army of Nazis and I stick by that claim.

Attacking the poster is a sign you have lost the argument..


To be fair, it is ridiculous to call Zionists 'Nazis'. They can be racists, fascists, can perpetrate genocide, but 'Nazis' has a very specific meaning that excludes Jews.

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8 minutes ago, Delbow said:


To be fair, it is ridiculous to call Zionists 'Nazis'. They can be racists, fascists, can perpetrate genocide, but 'Nazis' has a very specific meaning that excludes Jews.

I’m of the opinion that the holocaust and anti semitism is being weaponised by Zionists and some Jewish people who are just doing as they please with impunity yet are quick to pull out the anti semitism card. Yes we know 6 million plus Jewish people were killed but do were 6 million other non Jewish people so why is it that even after the terrible atrocities being committed they have the nerve to continue lying and just doing as they please?

Yes the term Nazis can also be applied to Jewish people according to defini3 of the link in my post you have quoted.

Starvation, humiliation , targeting women and children in my book is Nazi like so let’s not beat about the bush they have become the neo Nazis and hiding Jewish does not give them an exemption from being called one.

I have read about how they treat the Palestinian prisoners and it’s shocking.

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17 minutes ago, mafya said:

I’m of the opinion that the holocaust and anti semitism is being weaponised by Zionists and some Jewish people who are just doing as they please with impunity yet are quick to pull out the anti semitism card. Yes we know 6 million plus Jewish people were killed but do were 6 million other non Jewish people so why is it that even after the terrible atrocities being committed they have the nerve to continue lying and just doing as they please?

Yes the term Nazis can also be applied to Jewish people according to defini3 of the link in my post you have quoted.

Starvation, humiliation , targeting women and children in my book is Nazi like so let’s not beat about the bush they have become the neo Nazis and hiding Jewish does not give them an exemption from being called one.

I have read about how they treat the Palestinian prisoners and it’s shocking.


Not sure what "hiding Jewish" means. Also "Nazi" means NSDAP, where the D stands for Deutschland. Interested to know how that applies to Israel. Which is not to say that some of the things the current racist government of Israel does aren't abhorrent and racist - just not neo-Nazi.

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8 minutes ago, Delbow said:


Not sure what "hiding Jewish" means. Also "Nazi" means NSDAP, where the D stands for Deutschland. Interested to know how that applies to Israel. Which is not to say that some of the things the current racist government of Israel does aren't abhorrent and racist - just not neo-Nazi.

 Sorry meant to say definition 2 in the link I posted=


disapproving : an evil person who wants to use power to control and harm other people especially because of their race, religion, etc.


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7 hours ago, Delbow said:


To be fair, it is ridiculous to call Zionists 'Nazis'. They can be racists, fascists, can perpetrate genocide, but 'Nazis' has a very specific meaning that excludes Jews.

I agree the words  Nazi and Fascist are bandied about willy nilly.  They are emotive words which Zionists use habitually to negate criticism of Israeli policy and Israel’s behaviour towards Palestinians. The words »antisemitism » and «Holocaust « have been weaponised to good effect by Zionists and supporters of Israel. It’s been very effective, most notably against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party when he was leader. Paradoxically since Starmer has been leader he has expelled  more Jewish members than any other leader in Labour history simply because they’re anti Zionist Jews and actively supported Jeremy Corbyn. 

The best description of Israeli policy in my opinion is settler colonialism, it’s beyond apartheid. 

Probably more akin to what happened historically in Australia and the US.


South Africa has taken its accusation of genocide to the ICJ for the second time. I watched a South African lawyer present its  case on  You Tube this morning. 

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10 hours ago, mafya said:

Nazis killed 6 million non Jewish people so no Nazis are not haters of Jewish people only so read no 2 definition here=
https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/Nazi#:~:text=1,a gang of racist Nazis

The state of Israel is being led by Zionists.

Why don’t you go and lob some paint on mc donalds yourself instead of telling me to do it to try and label me as something.

The idf has become what it despised once, an army of Nazis and I stick by that claim.

Attacking the poster is a sign you have lost the argument..



So you must be tired of losing arguments then as I can't think of any other poster who attacks other members with insults as much as you Mafya.



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