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Best and worst smells

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Best smells:

Freshly ground coffee 

Bread baking

Crisp Autumn nights

The smell of gardens after it’s rained following a drought in summer 

Clean laundry after drying on the line outside 


Worst smells:

BO from the stinky person on a bus with all the windows jammed shut and heaters on in summer

Mothballs.  Especially when someone gets on a bus smelling of them as per the BO scenario above

Weed.  Not the kind of weed smell you might associate with chilling out at music festivals and summer evenings in park.  No, the super strength skunk type smell of grey faced chavvy types shut in a little house or flat with all the windows shut.  Or some of the High St posse in town.

Toilets.  What do some people eat 🤮🤮

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Best smells:

My old mum's Irish stew. 

Brand new socks. 

Freshly cut lawn. 



When I've caught them, Sheffield's buses.  For God sake people, have a wash & don't roll your eyes when I open the bus window. 




A dead mouse I once found when I once took the side of our bath off.  

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:



A dead mouse I once found when I once took the side of our bath off.  


Yeah, given how small they are, their decomposition produces a potent foul odour. One died in our old kitchen and we couldn't find it but boy, could we smell it. Found its desiccated remains when we got a new washing machine a lot later.

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18 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I wanted to be a private detective when I was younger!!



I seem to remember my Dad asking me if I wanted to follow in his footsteps and offered to train me up as a private detective! :hihi: 

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23 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

The usual likes.


Tar Mac


Fresh laundry.

New plastic footballs




Rape seed,

Cats bottoms


The smell of my neighbour cooking snails


A farmer's field of flowering rapeseed smells foul. Like pee on someone who hasn't been able to wash or change. That was my first impression when I first smelt it, maybe thirty years ago or more. 

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7 minutes ago, Norbert said:



Sweet Peas




Rendering Factories


Muck spreading time



Worst, Bacon and cheese!!!!


There should be a prison sentence for such behaviour.

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Just now, Al Bundy said:

Worst, Bacon and cheese!!!!


There should be a prison sentence for such behaviour.


It's perspective isn't it, I associate bacon and cheese with death and rank coagulation.

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