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Police incidents on Woodburn Road & Attercliffe Road

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1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:

Seems confusing that there are two seperate, seemingly unrelated, incidents in this thread. 

Different incidents but the same problem in my opinion. 👍

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"An tEarrach Ceilteach" is hardly the most reliable of sources, and they are quoting Norman Brennan anyway, (adding "Hells Angels" which Brennan didn't).

Why didn't they quote the folk who claim they were locked in the cafe opposite; maybe doesn't fit the agenda??


Another "An tEarrach Ceilteach" spurious quote, as seen in the previous post; "Texas motorcycle gang [Texas Cossacks photo in post] raises funds to repair the Sheffield UK Hells Angels club after it was attacked. Two nights of clashes in Sheffield have left two seriously injured"  

[They didn't look like HA back patches on the Attercliffe video to me, nor Slaves or Druids.]


Brennan's comment specifically above the Attercliffe Rd video; [as far as I know, he's ex/retired officer from The Met, so unlikely to have seen what happened.]
"BREAKING NEWS; A 2nd Night of Disorder & Tension in Sheffield in South Yorkshire where yesterday TWENTY TWO people were hospitalised & TWENTY FIVE people were arrested;

A very serious public disorder Incident but hardly any National Media coverage"   

The Woodbourne Rd incident was widely reported, though the Attercliffe Rd one seems  to be quiet at the moment; I'm guessing back-patch biker clubs would be unlikely to be very co-operative with either the police, or the press.


Another "An tEarrach Ceilteach" gem, this time quoting Bridgen as an authoritative source.
also "Rishi to step down before election. Britain to reinstate war time PM before elections" on another post


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I don't follow (and wasn't aware of before today) either account mentioned - I'm sure like so many they have an 'agenda'.  Just noticed one of the posts being quoted by someone local I do follow earlier this afternoon.

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3 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:


What problem is that?



I wasn't going to ask this although it crossed my mind when replying to your question but it's been bugging me.

So, in a thread talking about 2 separate violent incidents on the same day in the same area, What problem did You think I meant? 

I'd genuinely like to know as I thought it was pretty clear what my meaning was👍

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20 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


I wasn't going to ask this although it crossed my mind when replying to your question but it's been bugging me.

So, in a thread talking about 2 separate violent incidents on the same day in the same area, What problem did You think I meant? 

I'd genuinely like to know as I thought it was pretty clear what my meaning was👍

I didn’t think it was clear, hence why I asked.


There does seem to be an undercurrent to certain people’s posts in certain topics where they drop knowing hints but don’t come out and say what they actually mean, I was just checking what you did mean.

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6 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

I didn’t think it was clear, hence why I asked.


There does seem to be an undercurrent to certain people’s posts in certain topics where they drop knowing hints but don’t come out and say what they actually mean, I was just checking what you did mean.

My bold.

I'm happy to say I'm not one of those despite being repeatedly accused of it by a small number of posters.

If you are worried I'm one of those the answer is simple.  My account should be deleted. Theres no place for that kind on a family type forum.  If you're worried im that kind then i should be gone.👍



Fair enough and thank you for the answer. Looking back It was a rather blunt post, and you don't really know me from adam so ill add more info in future to save any misunderstandings 🙏



I hope I cleared it up 🙂

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59 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

I didn’t think it was clear, hence why I asked.


There does seem to be an undercurrent to certain people’s posts in certain topics where they drop knowing hints but don’t come out and say what they actually mean, I was just checking what you did mean.


There was an undercurrent in your posts suggesting this was two biker gangs purely based on social media speculation, there are far more posts and video footage suggesting it wasn't that but you ran with it anyway.

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