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So who should use our bogs

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Now if I am in a stall in the pub . market or football match I like to think that the big head next to who stands well back , smug look on face swinging a splendid member is a fully-fledged chap .

I need to feel comfortable that we six or seven or more stood in a line aiming for that pot bat for the same side .

The ladies sweet smelling cubicles may be a different kettle of fish as far as I know, I have heard that sometimes and  lady's share the same space for what reason I have no idea , anyway as in the lads place I am sure that the ladies will be uneasy if a hairy arssssed chap dressed in a floral frock and sporting a stubble chin suddenly tiptoes in and grabs a cubicle not even shutting the door as I have heard from a lass who uses the market bogs /


So who should use our bogs , they are a sacred space , where lads can be lads and lasses lasses , or are they .


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Speaking personally, I've no problem sharing a toilet with females. 

When I was a student, the halls of residence I lived in were used by males and females, and no-one raised any concerns - this was the early 1990s.

Some women used the toilets at the clubs I used to go to, and it never bothered me.


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The more important issue with bog etiquette is this: 


After you've strained your greens and spend a good while scrubbing at your 'aris, do not vacate the jakes without washing your hands - gentlemen.

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Personally I couldn't care less. 


I'm going for a pee or having a dump. I don't really have any interest who is stood or sat next to me.   Unless people are treating toilets as some unofficial social hub, beauty parlour or group therapy session, most of the time I'd barely notice anyway. 


We're all just human. We're all doing the same activity just with a slight difference to the apparatus. 


I'm not totally ignorant on the potential risk particularly to females and the need for 'safe space' but ultimately, these are public facilities. The sad reality is that there will always be bad people doing bad things no matter what is brought in. If somebody, male OR female, is that determined to antagonise, frighten or attack another person - they are still going to do so no matter what sign is on the door. I also feel that if some perverted person, is determined to attack, rape or ogle females in the toilet, going to the extreme of dressing up and pretending to be transgender to do so really must be a rarity. 


Otherwise, since thankfully not everyone walking about is a criminal, they are simply just a fellow human who just identifies as that sex using the facilities for the same reason as anyone else in there. 


Everyone talks of boundaries but I well  remember, one of my old firms with our longstanding and school of life female cleaner who took no regard to quite happily barge into the gents and get on with the job while us blokes all stood there with our tackle out.... I've been in plenty of nightclubs where girls and boys have just walked into whatever looks remotely like a toilet without any consideration of gender allocation and just got on with it. The girls are not going to stand there queueing if there's a free cubicle in the boys and most of the boys are that drunk they'll just walk in to whatever's nearest for a pee.


Regardless of any of the above, this could easily be a completely resolved issue if the increasing trend of newer build facilities continues. Simply having toilets. That's it

Universal, private cubicle(s) for anyone to use. That's what's in every single one of our houses, that's what they are on planes and trains and coaches and many clinics or GP surgeries.  That's what they are in many small offices, or shop units, or small cafes or coffee bars.  That's what they are on building sites, fun fairs, street kiosks, roadside cafes and outdoor festivals and people seem to cope without screaming the  house down demanding segregated facilities and engaging in endless, generally ill-informed and quite insulting debates, about the rights and wrong of transgender.


It's just a toilet.  Resolving a basic human bodily function that it's designed to do. 

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6 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Allow Kemi to explain. 



Yeah that is confusing, because I thought that trans people say that their experience is that sex (the bits they're born with) doesn't align with their gender (whether they feel male or female), in other words that sex and gender are different things. Badenough seems to want to confirm that in law but I thought she was an anti-trans culture warrior?

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