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So who should use our bogs

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4 hours ago, Mister M said:


Sometimes there are no words....



Can you imagine being in the gents in Sheffield City Centre, and a middle aged woman stands next to you, pulls up her dress, pees, and starts moaning about her corns :hihi:

Are there any Gentlemen's toilets left in our great city??

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It really doesn't matter who goes to what toilet as long as we aren't animals and spray everywhere. But it can be difficult to perform essential ablutions after attending the water closet facilities if a young lady - due to a large queue at the female facilities is perched over the sink area in the Gents with her skirt hitched up having a pee.  Thursday nights at t'Leadmill... happy days!

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34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

To all those being blase about everyone using the same toilets....how many of you would be comfortable watching your young daughter going in only to be followed in by a couple of blokes?


Toilets should be separate for males and females. We have managed perfectly fine for years, why change it?


When my boys were young, I used to go into the public toilets with them in case there were any dodgy men in there. Once they could look after themselves, I stopped doing that. Same with girls. I think you're inventing problems that are not there.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

To all those being blase about everyone using the same toilets....how many of you would be comfortable watching your young daughter going in only to be followed in by a couple of blokes?


Toilets should be separate for males and females. We have managed perfectly fine for years, why change it?


Unless I was some overly paranoid overprotective type convinced that every bloke that walks past is some serial rapist I will think exactly the same if some blokes just happened to walk down the same corridor to the current segregated toilets. 


Modern day unisex toilets are a row of rooms to be used by anyone.  If one sealed room was being used by a woman and the next room by a man, what does it matter? 


I was in one place recently in Manchester where the only part of the toilets that were sealed off privately was the actual loos themselves. The hand washing sinks and mirrors, etc were completely shared by both sexes in a big open space and nobody seemed to care. 


Many businesses simply don't have the space to be fitting segregated toilet facilities. For years they just have one toilet or at best a couple of toilets. Nobody's been screaming and demanding segregation there. Same with disabled facilities. In nearly all the cases I've seen, the disabled facilities are completely universal. I don't hear complaints about whether disabled women are safe and why can't they have their own private segregated one. 


Like I said earlier. You are ever going to completely eliminate bad people doing bad things. If someone was that determined to barge into a cubicle to harm or frighten somebody, they are going to do it and no sign on the door saying women only going to stop them. 


I'd like to think that majority of society are not like that. Yes, we have had segregated toilets for years in spaces where it's being feasible but the world is moving on, and most of the time it seems a bit ridiculous having different design, different layout, and generally different demand for two sexes when it would be far simpler, easier and better for the people needing them to simply have a row of identical toilets for anyone to use. 


I really think you are looking for problems that aren't there. 

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On 03/06/2024 at 15:13, ECCOnoob said:

Personally I couldn't care less. 


I'm going for a pee or having a dump. I don't really have any interest who is stood or sat next to me.   Unless people are treating toilets as some unofficial social hub, beauty parlour or group therapy session, most of the time I'd barely notice anyway. 


We're all just human. We're all doing the same activity just with a slight difference to the apparatus. 


I'm not totally ignorant on the potential risk particularly to females and the need for 'safe space' but ultimately, these are public facilities. The sad reality is that there will always be bad people doing bad things no matter what is brought in. If somebody, male OR female, is that determined to antagonise, frighten or attack another person - they are still going to do so no matter what sign is on the door. I also feel that if some perverted person, is determined to attack, rape or ogle females in the toilet, going to the extreme of dressing up and pretending to be transgender to do so really must be a rarity. 


Otherwise, since thankfully not everyone walking about is a criminal, they are simply just a fellow human who just identifies as that sex using the facilities for the same reason as anyone else in there. 


Everyone talks of boundaries but I well  remember, one of my old firms with our longstanding and school of life female cleaner who took no regard to quite happily barge into the gents and get on with the job while us blokes all stood there with our tackle out.... I've been in plenty of nightclubs where girls and boys have just walked into whatever looks remotely like a toilet without any consideration of gender allocation and just got on with it. The girls are not going to stand there queueing if there's a free cubicle in the boys and most of the boys are that drunk they'll just walk in to whatever's nearest for a pee.


Regardless of any of the above, this could easily be a completely resolved issue if the increasing trend of newer build facilities continues. Simply having toilets. That's it

Universal, private cubicle(s) for anyone to use. That's what's in every single one of our houses, that's what they are on planes and trains and coaches and many clinics or GP surgeries.  That's what they are in many small offices, or shop units, or small cafes or coffee bars.  That's what they are on building sites, fun fairs, street kiosks, roadside cafes and outdoor festivals and people seem to cope without screaming the  house down demanding segregated facilities and engaging in endless, generally ill-informed and quite insulting debates, about the rights and wrong of transgender.


It's just a toilet.  Resolving a basic human bodily function that it's designed to do. 

It’s all just one big happy 💩party isn’t it!!!  We can all join in and have a 💩 together! But then you’re not too bothered about all that wee wee and poo poo flushed down the toilets (be it male, female or unisex toilets 😀) not being dealt with properly and getting pumped into rivers are you??  Properly functioning sewerage systems are luxury aren’t they?  Goodness knows why they ever wasted money building them!  

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3 hours ago, pfifes said:

It’s all just one big happy 💩party isn’t it!!!  We can all join in and have a 💩 together! But then you’re not too bothered about all that wee wee and poo poo flushed down the toilets (be it male, female or unisex toilets 😀) not being dealt with properly and getting pumped into rivers are you??  Properly functioning sewerage systems are luxury aren’t they?  Goodness knows why they ever wasted money building them!  



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6 hours ago, pfifes said:

It’s all just one big happy 💩party isn’t it!!!  We can all join in and have a 💩 together! But then you’re not too bothered about all that wee wee and poo poo flushed down the toilets (be it male, female or unisex toilets 😀) not being dealt with properly and getting pumped into rivers are you??  Properly functioning sewerage systems are luxury aren’t they?  Goodness knows why they ever wasted money building them!  


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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:


Ah, I’ll explain.  Mr ECCOnoob said in another thread that having sewage pumped into our rivers is a ‘trivial thing’. He’s a big fan of neoliberalism and thinks some 💩in our water is a trifling triviality which we should all stop worrying our little heads about. 
What do you think Al?  Would you care for a nice glass of cold water from your kitchen tap with a twist of 💩

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