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Staniforth Road Police incident

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12 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

From what I've recently heard yeah, she seems very active. I wish my local Councillor was as active. He never even bothers to reply to emails. I wish Zahira well, she's got the right attitude but then realistically how much can she actually do at local councillor level? 

The problems Darnall etc face need to be tackled at government level in my view. However, successive governments have shown how little they care about things like this.

Big on words.

Little when it comes to action. Let's hope that changes eventually. 

Not familiar with the area but get a sense of what the problems are. Reintroducing Safer Neighbourhood Teams may be one answer but police presumably think tackling crimes after the event is more productive. Ultimately as you say, decisions are made at central Govt level.

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2 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Wasn't Darnall levelled up as part of the Brexit bonus? An oversight, perhaps.

Do you live in a fantasy world where there are no poor areas or people anywhere in the world?


It's been like that since we roamed the Earth and will continue to be this way until we cease to exist.





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2 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Do you live in a fantasy world where there are no poor areas or people anywhere in the world?


It's been like that since we roamed the Earth and will continue to be this way until we cease to exist.






It was obviously a dig at the empty Brexit promises. I find Darnall interesting - quite a few people say it used to be alright and this seems to be up to about the 1970s, which coincides with the last period of full employment (c. 1975). Now, I'd be very surprised if an area like that didn't have its fair share of ruffians, but I guess if you knew who to avoid or if they were your mate then it felt ok cos you weren't much at risk of getting a panelling. 


Work/pub/sleep/work/football/pub keeps some people out of too much trouble, but take the work away and the rest falls apart. That's my theory anyway, and I'm sure it's not as simple as that in real life, but some truth in it?

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4 hours ago, cytine said:

But they're not coming together 'practising inclusion and tolerance' are they? I've no problem with other races or cultures (I've travelled widely) the problem is they will not integrate they come here 'for a better life' but want to carry on with the life they've left. We have a history and culture which we have to tone down/change to suit others.

Yes they are — it has been demonstrated in threads here that people in the communities are trying to improve things, promote tolerance and inclusivity.


You obviously do have some kind of problem with races or cultures, because what you are effectively doing is tarring everybody in a whole race, culture or area with the same brush rather than recognise that some people are good people and some people are just bad people. You’re (and other people here and elsewhere) are dismissing the good people within communities because it doesn’t suit your prejudice.


And that inclusivity goes both ways — we have to integrate with them as much as we need them to integrate with us. Otherwise everyone on all side of the debate will continue to stand from afar going “they’re wronguns over there”.

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What surprises me about people who say "they don't integrate" is that it hasn't occurred to them that there are lots of people reading who know lots of people who have integrated very well. Just showing their own ignorance and lack of contact with people who aren't white British.

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Man assaulted in 'targeted attack' in Yorkshire dies after fighting for his life in hospital

Police have launched a murder investigation after a man who was seriously injured in a ‘targeted attack’ died.

The 23-year-old victim was assaulted on Staniforth Road in Darnall, Sheffield, on Saturday (Jun 8) shortly after 4.30pm. He was taken to hospital with a serious head injury where he had been fighting for his life, but South Yorkshire Police has now confirmed he died on Monday (Jun 10).

The force has launched a murder probe, and said the victim’s family are being supported by specially trained officers.


The Yorkshire Post.

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5 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Is it national news though?! Not sure it is.


The solution is communities coming together, practicing inclusion and tolerance and working on making things more pleasant and better for all — instilling a pride in place and encouraging friendship.


It won’t happen overnight. But it’s the kind of stuff Zahira Naz is doing, alongside a number of community groups, charities and other organisations.


Nothing is solved by standing at a distance sniping online or being intolerant of other races and cultures.




As an aside, none of the usual suspects have been shouting about the latest CSE offenders that were sentenced yesterday. Maybe because they were white (as are the vast majority of CSE offenders in the UK)https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c255g7n4q4yo


Of course there will be in a majority white country, now look at the disproportinate amounts of crimes of CSE (grooming in particular) amongst Pakistani Muslims.

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