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Staniforth Road Police incident

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1 hour ago, mafya said:

Nice bit of stereotyping there, let’s not forget that it wasn’t so long ago that in  this country it was against the law to be homosexual.

As someone who has a mixed heritage family (English &Pakistani) I have experienced first hand non integration by the white community and my kids who don’t even look Pakistani for eg one of my lads who’s 8 and has piercing blue eyes and light brown hair has been called a P***I at school by a lad.

Racism amongs white people is on the rise unfortunately, I’ve encountered it myself in Morrisons supermarket in Hillsborough, the same one where a black guy ended up making Sheffield online page for assault as he assaulted someone who was racist towards him.

Im 51 years old and in my opinion racism is on the rise.

By the way I havnt seen any recent incidents on the news of gays being chucked off any balconies so any you can link to or are you still referring to the incidents that were committed by the terror grump isis?

A whole lot of ant semitism in Sheffield , the writing is on the walls 

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16 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

A whole lot of ant semitism in Sheffield , the writing is on the walls 


waste of writing and walls, there aren't that many in sheffield numbers are in the 100's

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9 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Interestingly, I have found another independent and objective AI tool that will analyse forum response language and debates, and summarise responses. I have given it the entire contents of all the directly quoted responses leading to the exchange between @cytine and myself, thus:









Here is it's response:

Let's dissect the responses in the thread:

1. Hackey Lad:

  • Question: “So what is the immediate solution to these problems some areas have?”
    • Analysis: Hackey Lad is seeking practical solutions to issues in certain areas, likely related to crime or social unrest within an immigrant community.

2. The_Daddy:

  • Response: Proposes heavy police presence, stop and search, financial incentives to report criminals, education about knife crime, and building more prisons with strict sentences.
    • Analysis: The_Daddy's response focuses on law enforcement and punitive measures. This approach can be seen as addressing symptoms rather than underlying causes. It may come across as overly harsh and could be viewed as targeting specific communities, raising concerns about discrimination and intolerance.

3. Delbow:

  • Response: Criticizes the government's past decisions to close local industries, which contributed to the area's deprivation. Implies that focusing on punitive measures is shortsighted.
    • Analysis: Delbow's response provides a historical perspective, suggesting that economic policies have led to current issues. This viewpoint emphasizes addressing root causes rather than immediate punitive measures. It highlights the importance of considering socioeconomic factors in solving community problems.

4. Cytine:

  • Response: Challenges Delbow's historical perspective by asking for current solutions and questions why recent riots haven't been widely reported.
    • Analysis: Cytine's response is practical but dismisses the importance of understanding historical context. It implies that immediate solutions are needed without addressing deeper issues. The question about media coverage could suggest a perceived bias, although it does not directly relate to the main topic of integration and community solutions.

5. Sheffield Forum (First Response):

  • Response: Suggests that the solution lies in communities practicing inclusion and tolerance, working together to improve conditions. Mentions efforts by community groups and dismisses the idea that intolerance will help.
    • Analysis: This response promotes a constructive, community-focused approach. It emphasizes the importance of tolerance and inclusion, advocating for collaborative efforts rather than punitive measures. This perspective aligns with principles of integration and social cohesion.

6. Cytine (Second Response):

  • Response: Argues that immigrant communities are not integrating and maintaining their previous lifestyles, causing the host culture to change.
    • Analysis: Cytine's response generalizes the behavior of immigrant communities and suggests cultural superiority. This view can be seen as discriminatory and intolerant, as it fails to recognize the efforts of many immigrants to integrate and the value of cultural diversity.

7. Sheffield Forum (Second Response):

  • Response: Defends the efforts of communities to promote tolerance and inclusivity, accuses Cytine of having a problem with other races or cultures, and argues that integration is a two-way process.
    • Analysis: Sheffield Forum reaffirms the importance of inclusivity and integration. The response highlights the need for mutual effort in integration and criticizes Cytine's generalizations. The personal nature of the response could be seen as confrontational, but it addresses the underlying issues of prejudice.

8. Cytine (Third Response):

  • Response: Denies being prejudiced, insists on having a well-informed perspective due to travel experiences, and accuses Sheffield Forum of personal attacks.
    • Analysis: Cytine defends their position by emphasizing personal experiences and denies prejudice. However, this response does not address the criticisms of generalization and cultural bias. The accusation of personal attacks shifts the focus away from the main discussion.

Overall Analysis:

  • Constructive Approaches: Delbow and Sheffield Forum advocate for understanding historical context and fostering community collaboration, respectively. These responses emphasize the importance of addressing root causes and promoting inclusivity.
  • Punitive Measures: The_Daddy suggests law enforcement and punitive measures, which may address immediate issues but can be seen as harsh and not addressing deeper socioeconomic factors.
  • Intolerance and Generalization: Cytine's responses contain elements of generalization and cultural bias, which can be seen as discriminatory and intolerant. Sheffield Forum's second response highlights these issues effectively.
  • Right vs. Wrong: While no one response provides a complete solution, the approaches that promote inclusivity, understanding of historical context, and collaborative community efforts (Sheffield Forum and Delbow) are more aligned with principles of integration and tolerance. The punitive measures suggested by The_Daddy might provide immediate relief but are less sustainable and can lead to further discrimination. Cytine's responses contain problematic generalizations that undermine constructive dialogue.

In conclusion, fostering an inclusive, collaborative approach that addresses both immediate and root causes is essential for effective integration and community cohesion. Responses that promote tolerance, mutual effort, and understanding are more likely to contribute to long-term solutions.

All very interesting, however...


ChatGPT, the popular artificial intelligence chatbot, shows a significant and systemic left-wing bias, UK researchers have found.


So are those results and findings coming from a certain viewpoint?

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45 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

All very interesting, however...


ChatGPT, the popular artificial intelligence chatbot, shows a significant and systemic left-wing bias, UK researchers have found.


So are those results and findings coming from a certain viewpoint?


As far as I know, all AI has some bias because it's programmed by people, who all have some level of bias https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-bias#:~:text=12%2F22%2F23-,What is AI bias%3F,outputs and potentially harmful outcomes.

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4 hours ago, mafya said:

I have experienced first hand non integration by the white community


Eh? Non-integration into what? In every country there's a dominant culture, identity or way of life based on which ethnic group is in the majority. In the UK that's the white British people, so there's not really anything for them to integrate into. Imagine a load of white people moving to Japan and saying the Japanese people aren't integrating. They'd be laughed out of the country, and rightly so.


You've also probably experienced it because your community puts up more barriers than any other to stop outsiders mixing with it. Ever seen a white British bloke married to a woman of Pakistani heritage? Nah, me neither. And it's hardly that the blokes are all racist when plenty of them marry women of the same skin colour from Thailand and the Philippines etc.

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29 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:


Eh? Non-integration into what? In every country there's a dominant culture, identity or way of life based on which ethnic group is in the majority. In the UK that's the white British people, so there's not really anything for them to integrate into. Imagine a load of white people moving to Japan and saying the Japanese people aren't integrating. They'd be laughed out of the country, and rightly so.


You've also probably experienced it because your community puts up more barriers than any other to stop outsiders mixing with it. Ever seen a white British bloke married to a woman of Pakistani heritage? Nah, me neither. And it's hardly that the blokes are all racist when plenty of them marry women of the same skin colour from Thailand and the Philippines etc.

By non integration I mean some that have no wish to even try integrating with ethnic neighbours.

I actually do know a couple of Pakistani women that have married white English blokes, one of the blokes has ginger hair too !!

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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

A whole lot of ant semitism in Sheffield , the writing is on the walls 

Unfortunately anti semitism is on the rise all over but let’s not beat about the bush Israel’s actions of starving and killing innocent Palestinians plus not abiding by the icj rulings isn’t helping either nor is the blocking of aid trucks by Israelis.

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Just now, mafya said:

By non integration I mean some that have no wish to even try integrating with ethnic neighbours.

I actually do know a couple of Pakistani women that have married white English blokes, one of the blokes has ginger hair too !!

I did not think Pakistani would tolerate that wonder if they disowned the ladies 🤔 

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3 minutes ago, mafya said:

By non integration I mean some that have no wish to even try integrating with ethnic neighbours.

I actually do know a couple of Pakistani women that have married white English blokes, one of the blokes has ginger hair too !!

Gingerist . 

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