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Staniforth Road Police incident

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10 minutes ago, Top4719 said:


Of course there will be in a majority white country, now look at the disproportinate amounts of crimes of CSE (grooming in particular) amongst Pakistani Muslims.


Which is the only crime there is, of course. 


Very sad that a 23 year old has died, that's no age to go.

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1 minute ago, Delbow said:


Which is the only crime there is, of course. 


Very sad that a 23 year old has died, that's no age to go.


Its probably one of the biggest crimes this country has ever, its rape on an industrial scale that's ignored, covered up, not mentioned barring a few token arrests and convictions (with the convicted usually released early) it's a national disgrace that no one really wants bringing to the surface, have a look into how Oldham Council have done everything in their power to prevent an enquiry, why would that be?

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5 minutes ago, Top4719 said:


Its probably one of the biggest crimes this country has ever, its rape on an industrial scale that's ignored, covered up, not mentioned barring a few token arrests and convictions (with the convicted usually released early) it's a national disgrace that no one really wants bringing to the surface, have a look into how Oldham Council have done everything in their power to prevent an enquiry, why would that be?


He's off again. I'll say this once and then I won't bother again because of your Chekhov levels of obsessiveness: there have been multiple enquiries, huge amounts of front page news space, an acclaimed drama series, large police operations (albeit too late), a ton of media coverage. Yes, it is a national disgrace and a scandal that it was allowed to go on so long, but to claim that it's been ignored is ludicrous and it makes you look ludicrous when you say that. The fact that you can't help but bring it up whenever there is discussion of non-white people also makes you look ludicrous.

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14 minutes ago, Delbow said:


He's off again. I'll say this once and then I won't bother again because of your Chekhov levels of obsessiveness: there have been multiple enquiries, huge amounts of front page news space, an acclaimed drama series, large police operations (albeit too late), a ton of media coverage. Yes, it is a national disgrace and a scandal that it was allowed to go on so long, but to claim that it's been ignored is ludicrous and it makes you look ludicrous when you say that. The fact that you can't help but bring it up whenever there is discussion of non-white people also makes you look ludicrous.


All that you mention is merely the tip of a very large iceberg.


Why are Oldham Council so reluctant for an enquiry to take place there?

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2 hours ago, Top4719 said:


Its probably one of the biggest crimes this country has ever, its rape on an industrial scale that's ignored, covered up, not mentioned barring a few token arrests and convictions (with the convicted usually released early) it's a national disgrace that no one really wants bringing to the surface, have a look into how Oldham Council have done everything in their power to prevent an enquiry, why would that be?

There would have been even fewer arrests if it had not been for "Tommy Robinson", like it or not.

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6 minutes ago, aardvark6535 said:

There would have been even fewer arrests if it had not been for "Tommy Robinson", like it or not.

Not a popular opinion that..  

But it's definitely an accurate one In my opinion. 

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It's funny really, If you don't know someone personally, the only way you can form an opinion of them is to listen to what other people say about them, and then you form your opinion, Because TR pointed out the Government's failings on Grooming Gangs Etc, he became Persona non grata, so not a good word was said about him, this caused people to either hate him (those that believe everything that's been said) or like him, (because you like a fighter and know the Media has been got at).

Personally, I haven't been closer than 20 feet from him, never spoken to him, but Oh! How I like the underdog.

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3 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:

It's funny really, If you don't know someone personally, the only way you can form an opinion of them is to listen to what other people say about them, and then you form your opinion, Because TR pointed out the Government's failings on Grooming Gangs Etc, he became Persona non grata, so not a good word was said about him, this caused people to either hate him (those that believe everything that's been said) or like him, (because you like a fighter and know the Media has been got at).

Personally, I haven't been closer than 20 feet from him, never spoken to him, but Oh! How I like the underdog.


People can slate Robinson all they want (that's the establishments intention) but watch his documentary The Rape of Britain and you cannot fault anything he does or says in it, the authorities on the other hand!!!!!!!

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9 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

And that inclusivity goes both ways — we have to integrate with them as much as we need them to integrate with us.


With respect, the words "have to" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Surely any onus to integrate should fall more on those arriving than more long-established residents/citizens,

Yes, I acknowledge that the Native Americans (for example) would hold a strong (and probably valid) opinion on this sort of issue, but I still don't think we should "have" to bend over backwards to integrate with other (sometimes very different) cultures.  Many will obviously embrace, enjoy and welcome various aspects of these cultures (cuisine perhaps being the best example - though I would personally beg to differ) but "having to integrate"? 

Choosing maybe, but there should be no compulsion (as implied by "have to") here.

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9 minutes ago, Martin C said:


With respect, the words "have to" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Surely any onus to integrate should fall more on those arriving than more long-established residents/citizens,

Yes, I acknowledge that the Native Americans (for example) would hold a strong (and probably valid) opinion on this sort of issue, but I still don't think we should "have" to bend over backwards to integrate with other (sometimes very different) cultures.  Many will obviously embrace, enjoy and welcome various aspects of these cultures (cuisine perhaps being the best example - though I would personally beg to differ) but "having to integrate"? 

Choosing maybe, but there should be no compulsion (as implied by "have to") here.

Integration is a two way thing, running off because the area has a few too many immigrants living there otherwise known as white flight does not help because there are no indigenous people around the area to show the immigrants how to live the British way of life.

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