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EU Élections: Macron dissolves French Parliament

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43 minutes ago, Delbow said:


Owen Jones is not hard left or far left. For example, he is not a revolutionary socialist (e.g. a Trotskyist). He supports reformism, i.e. putting left-wing candidates forward in elections in the belief that the whole capitalist system can be reformed from above. If he was far left, he'd be writing for Socialist Worker or Workers' Fight, not the Guardian. As you say - you are confused.

Owen Jones is a cry baby .

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

So left wing Owen Jones is a columnist in a left wing paper.

Owen Peter Jones (born 8 August 1984) is a British left-wing newspaper columnist, commentator, journalist, author and political activist.

The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion: a MORI poll taken between April and June 2000 showed that 80 per cent of Guardian readers were Labour Party voters;[11] according to another MORI poll taken in 2005, 48 per cent of Guardian readers were Labour voters and 34 per cent Liberal Democrat voters.[12] The term "Guardian reader" can be used to imply a stereotype of liberal, left-wing or "politically correct" views.

Got there in the end!!

Owen Jones is, I would agree, a left wing journalist, who has a column in a centre-left/liberal  national newspaper, The Guardian,  and also contributes to the New Statesman, Tribune, and The National and was previously a columnist for The Independent, as well as his own outlets; Of those, Tribune is probably left wing(ish), [depending on how you define Democratic Socialism] , the others less so.
Since it's The Guardian under discussion,  Owen Jones is a contributor under the "Opinions" section, which gives a wide variety of views and doesn't necessarily conform to the overall editorial policy/political leanings of the newspaper.

Strapline for the Opinion section is "Comment is free…but facts are sacred CP Scott, 1921 Guardian editor"

Other recent notable "Opinions" columnists include such as Henry Hill, deputy editor of that other far left publication "Conservative Home"
Rory Stewart, you will remember as an ex Tory MP, though chucked out as I recall, but not someone I'd class as left wing by any means, politically or economically.

Peter Oborne writes for the Grauniad too; You may remember him as political editor from the stanchly  left wing publications, The Mail, Spectator, Telegraph etc.


Yougov poll is interesting, but note that it's a poll, not an in depth analysis; more context about that in the last link
How left or right-wing are the UK’s newspapers?     Yougov

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) however did publish more of an analysis
UK Media overview   Downloadable pdf.  ICO

The Guardian is a daily centre left newspaper. It is free to access and has 3.Smillion daily users of its website and app, just over 100,000 newspaper readers and l0million Twitter followers. Readers of the Guardian are more likely to be women and it is more popular among older adults from 35+

PEW Research Centre publication is also worth a read; It also makes the point that peoples perception of an individual media outlet doesn't necessarily tally with either the readership or the  actual newspaper's editorial stance.
News Media and Political Attitudes in the United Kingdom  

In general, where the public places an outlet tends to differ from where the average audience actually sits ideologically.

For each of the news outlets asked about in the survey, the average audience (based on self-reported usage) tends to fall near the ideological center.

People who have heard of each outlet, however, tend to place the outlet either farther to the left or farther to the right than the actual ideological position of the outlet’s audience.


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On 10/06/2024 at 06:53, Al Bundy said:

I wonder if the remainers would be so keen on entering Europe again now that it's becoming hard right?

The EU Parliament isn’t. Still just as center right as before the election.


Macron is gambling a ‘conquer and divide’ drive: if RN score seats (not a given in a GE in France), by 2027 they’ll be wearing the consequences of Macronism with the French electorate together with LREM. Smart. Risky, but smart.


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23 hours ago, L00b said:

The EU Parliament isn’t. Still just as center right as before the election.


Macron is gambling a ‘conquer and divide’ drive: if RN score seats (not a given in a GE in France), by 2027 they’ll be wearing the consequences of Macronism with the French electorate together with LREM. Smart. Risky, but smart.


Not risky electorally for Macron, his political future is finite, at least as far as the Presidency’s concerned. 

Out of interest how would you describe “Macronism” ? 

The left started flagging the Popular Front /Hitler paradigm as early as Sunday evening.
Manon Aubry.

I have a friend in the Var who’s friends all vote RN and one in Poitiers who doesn’t know anyone who votes RN.


Do you think Cioty’s actions will unite the Right ?



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The USA seem to be content with the Democratic and Republican parties, we confused matters with the advent of Labour. However neither nation has a political leader worthy of the title, the Americans broke the mould with the Kennedy brothers, but sadly not for long.

I have no intention of voting for any party, why can’t intelligent, interesting and honest leadership be found amongst folk not drawing their pensions?

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On 13/06/2024 at 08:48, crookesey said:

The USA seem to be content with the Democratic and Republican parties, we confused matters with the advent of Labour. However neither nation has a political leader worthy of the title, the Americans broke the mould with the Kennedy brothers, but sadly not for long.

I have no intention of voting for any party, why can’t intelligent, interesting and honest leadership be found amongst folk not drawing their pensions?

And this has to do with French politics how ?

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Posted (edited)
On 16/06/2024 at 11:11, crookesey said:

So don’t read it.

I presume you read the thread title ?  I had to read it to know it wasn’t relevant 

Edited by Ridgewalk
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