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another big car crash near meadowhead

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Talking of which the Jaguar Ipace man who’s car went faster when braking and police had to protect it from traffic on the motorway has been arrested for careless driving and wasting police time basically he made it all up.

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A problem with the Meadowhead roundabout is that if you are approaching it from the dual carriageway which goes past St James shopping precinct you are on a four lane road which leads onto an island with only three lanes. That causes confusion, especially for anyone unfamiliar with the island.

Entering the island from any of the other three roads is straightforward, three lane road entering onto a three lane island, no problem.


Hopefully, when Sheffield Club and the Eagles move into the new ground the increased traffic flow and match day pressure will be taken into consideration.

With an intended capacity of 5,000 I'm a little puzzled as to where everyone is going to park.




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Many people blame the road for fatalities in the area that I live in.It is not the roads fault......it is the lack of driver education!!!!Only today I watched as a small car overtook a van as they entered the village which has a speed limit of 30 mph,the van was probably doing around 35 mph anyway!!!!I have been driving at the legal speed limit on A roads and in villages and have on many occasions over the last couple of years been overtaken by those in a hurry to get to the funeral parlour!!!The main road from carlisle to cairnryan is often closed due to crashes involving hgv ,s.Often when they land in a field the truck drivers will blame "mechanical failure" or "medical issue"....very clearly the vehicle has been travelling far too fast for the road or been sending/reading text messages on their mobile!!!!DRIVER EDUCATION plus more police on the road please!

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3 hours ago, m williamson said:

A problem with the Meadowhead roundabout is that if you are approaching it from the dual carriageway which goes past St James shopping precinct you are on a four lane road which leads onto an island with only three lanes. That causes confusion, especially for anyone unfamiliar with the island.

Entering the island from any of the other three roads is straightforward, three lane road entering onto a three lane island, no problem.


Worse than that as I recall; if you are in one of the three right hand lanes aiming for the appropriate lane on the three lane section of the roundabout, the traffic bearing down on you from your right is on a two lane section.
That approaching traffic may well be changing lanes to head for the three lane section, or exiting to Chesterfield, sometimes overtaking from the wrong lane; very often that traffic is also travelling quite quickly, leaving a slow vehicle coming from Bochum Parkway little time to enter the roundabout.



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On 13/03/2024 at 18:52, m williamson said:

A problem with the Meadowhead roundabout is that if you are approaching it from the dual carriageway which goes past St James shopping precinct you are on a four lane road which leads onto an island with only three lanes.


Though the left hand lane is for turning left only, so doesn't go onto the roundabout. But occasionally someone in that lane wants to go straight on instead of turning left, and don't always realise they are in the wrong lane.

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There are lots of accidents just after/before the roundabout on Greenhill Main Road where it junctions with Greenhill Ave. Traffic coming off the roundabout onto Greenhill Main Road have two lanes, the left one for going straight on and the right lane for turning right onto Gereenhill Ave. At this junction is also a pedestrian crossing.


The problem occurs when a car wanting to turn right sees that the traffic lights for the cars to their left who are going straight on, have turned to red. They wrongly assume that the oncoming lane (with traffic coming from Greenhill to the roundabout) is also on a red light and oncoming cars will stop so they can turn right. However they are actually on a green light so wont be stopping.


The reason for this is there are actually two separate crossings here, with a paved area in the middle of the road where the pedestrian has to then press the button to continue crossing. Each set of traffic light operates independently, with the pedestrian crossing one lane tan stepping onto the central pavement, and then having to press the button to cross the next lane.


So a car turning right sees their carriageway has a red light and thinks it's safe to move forward and make the turn, not realising that oncoming traffic is on a green light. So they set off and are hit by oncoming traffic.


I saw it happen the other day with a skip waggon hitting a car turning right across him. I stopped and informed the skip driver of the problem, and so helping him with his insurance claim.



Edited by WarPig
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