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another big car crash near meadowhead

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2 hours ago, AndrewC said:


I do completely agree with the sentiment that we have a lot of drivers on our roads who seem to lack some basic concentration, perception, control etc. when it comes to a lot of junctions (see also bus gates etc.), but it does have to be said that when you have a common pattern that keeps coming up again and again, it is worth asking what can be done about a junction design, etc.


The Dutch are very good at this. You can trust in self-determination behind the wheel up to a point, but if there is a way you can design issues out of a piece of road infrastructure then do that, too. Remove the possibility of error altogether. It seems like the Greenhill Avenue junction does have an obvious issue there - a red light on the westbound side of Greenhill Main Road which sends a misleading impression to the right-turners that the whole road might be on a red light, even though that isn't the case for the eastbound side.


The only thorough solution I would say is either a full set of traffic lights with phases, or do actually make it so that the crossing on the eastbound side shows red at the same time as the westbound - in line with the impression some people get now.



Yes, it's money that could be spent elsewhere if you could trust in people to simply pay attention to signs, but that is the reality of driving and road design...

thats the most sensible answer to this problem i have heard,because until something is done it will continue ,thanks for a common sense idea to solve this.

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1 hour ago, bassett one said:

thats the most sensible answer to this problem i have heard,because until something is done it will continue ,thanks for a common sense idea to solve this.

Are you going to follow this up by notifying the correct authorities concerned and responsible for the traffic and road layout in the area.? Posting on here is fine to chat about it but you need to do something more positive to try and get a result to the problem. 

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1 hour ago, Meltman said:

Are you going to follow this up by notifying the correct authorities concerned and responsible for the traffic and road layout in the area.? Posting on here is fine to chat about it but you need to do something more positive to try and get a result to the problem. 

note our chairperson on the lowedges&s8 festival group is a councillor for the area and its often discussed, but its up to the labour party and greens who run the council to sort it with highways, but i doubt they will do anything as its a lib/dem controlled ward.

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31 minutes ago, bassett one said:

note our chairperson on the lowedges&s8 festival group is a councillor for the area and its often discussed, but its up to the labour party and greens who run the council to sort it with highways, but i doubt they will do anything as its a lib/dem controlled ward.

Although they may discuss it occasionally and show some interest,as they should,  it is not your Parish council's responsibility for highways in your area, it's Sheffield council's responsibility and it's them you should be contacting directly, flaging up all/any incidents and recording when you do and when or if you get a reply. 

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the. local lib dems report everyone, and locals next to the accident spot do, but as usual the council do nothing

5 hours ago, Meltman said:

Although they may discuss it occasionally and show some interest,as they should,  it is not your Parish council's responsibility for highways in your area, it's Sheffield council's responsibility and it's them you should be contacting directly, flaging up all/any incidents and recording when you do and when or if you get a reply. 


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13 hours ago, bassett one said:

the council do nothing



Pretty sure Planner1 has explained this on here better than I can in the past but here goes:


There's a limited budget to undertake any of the kind of work I was talking about in my last post (changes to the junction layout, signage, lights etc.) across the city, so there is a pecking order of what gets done. I imagine the first priority is looking at any fatalities - that would immediately spark a review of the junction in question and if it was considered there was an obvious flaw then that would jump to the top of the list. Next up would be your junctions which see regular crashes, but there would be pecking order within that. We hear a lot about this junction through your posts, but how does it compare to other places in Sheffield? I don't know - there might be other junctions/crossings etc. which see more accidents.


The other thing that would be considered is value for money, cold and heartless though that may seem. Ultimately, spending £500k on a new road layout only to still have the same core problems isn't going to cut it. They'll be a lot of thought in to what kind of actual reduction in accidents you get with any given possible action, and it's likely that the course of action that is best value for money will be the one taken. Hence - probably - why that junction has had huge signs plastered on it over the years. Because simply getting people to pay attention and give way is probably the most effective solution.

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1 hour ago, Pyrotequila said:

We've just driven through this junction and honestly I cannot see why there are any issues here, it's plainly signposted, road markings are clear, easy to see traffic coming towards you. 

In my view, the problem is that when drivers are coming off the roundabout and wanting to turn right, they are in a separate right turn lane and see a green light in front of them ( on the crossing) and assume ( incorrectly) they have a green and the oncoming traffic is on red.


I’ve seen similar problems at other sets of signals where there was an uncontrolled right turn in a separate lane ( some junctions on Meadowhall perimeter road). That’s why we had signs put up that said “Right turners beware oncoming traffic”, which seemed to help.


I read the transport assessment report in the planning application for the proposed new stadium at Meadowhead. In it, it was stated that the council already have plans to fully signalise that junction. I mentioned it in the thread on here about the stadium development.


My guess is that the council are waiting for funding to become available. The design process can take a while too.

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On 12/06/2024 at 11:38, AndrewC said:


The Dutch are very good at this. You can trust in self-determination behind the wheel up to a point, but if there is a way you can design issues out of a piece of road infrastructure then do that, too. Remove the possibility of error altogether. 


They do this in the UK too.


Any highway scheme of any size has a multi stage road safety audit carried out at various points in the design process.


You can take as many precautions as you like, and it’s a good thing, but drivers are people and they can and will get it wrong.

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:

In my view, the problem is that when drivers are coming off the roundabout and wanting to turn right, they are in a separate right turn lane and see a green light in front of them ( on the crossing) and assume ( incorrectly) they have a green and the oncoming traffic is on red.


I’ve seen similar problems at other sets of signals where there was an uncontrolled right turn in a separate lane ( some junctions on Meadowhall perimeter road). That’s why we had signs put up that said “Right turners beware oncoming traffic”, which seemed to help.


I read the transport assessment report in the planning application for the proposed new stadium at Meadowhead. In it, it was stated that the council already have plans to fully signalise that junction. I mentioned it in the thread on here about the stadium development.


My guess is that the council are waiting for funding to become available. The design process can take a while too.

Daft question maybe but what do they need to design ? 

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