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Fast food couriers in the city centre

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I think it will be only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or worse by fast food couriers on those electric bicycles. They can whizz by at a fair old speed and sometimes they ride on pavements and they are difficult to hear, especially with all the background noise. Then sometimes they loiter around in gangs of 6 or more and their by bikes often block the pavements; it can be quite intimidating.  It's becoming a bit of a problem. I know people have to make a living and all that but maybe it's time the government started looking at some form of legislation?  Thoughts? 

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I agree. I saw a load of them hanging around on the corner of High Street and York Street in town earlier opposite McDonald's, and had to move out of the way of one on the pavement as I turned the corner. They're a bit of a menace.

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some on here think its great these electric bikes and scooters although most illegal are a great idea,often used by fast food deliver people and drug dealers paying no road tax, no insurance ect,all bikes and electric bikes should be made illegal and make it in law unless they wear helmets, are insured and taxed that way if some one gets injured theres at least compensation, plus make rules re-batterys that would save lives as well.

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11 minutes ago, bassett one said:

some on here think its great these electric bikes and scooters although most illegal are a great idea,often used by fast food deliver people and drug dealers paying no road tax, no insurance ect,all bikes and electric bikes should be made illegal and make it in law unless they wear helmets, are insured and taxed that way if some one gets injured theres at least compensation, plus make rules re-batterys that would save lives as well.

No-one pays road tax

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1 hour ago, bassett one said:

some on here think its great these electric bikes and scooters although most illegal are a great idea,often used by fast food deliver people and drug dealers paying no road tax, no insurance ect,all bikes and electric bikes should be made illegal and make it in law unless they wear helmets, are insured and taxed that way if some one gets injured theres at least compensation, plus make rules re-batterys that would save lives as well.

There are adequate laws and rules around e-bikes (and their batteries!) already. It is just that no-one seems to want to enforce them. 😟

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