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Surrey Police Bovine Brutality

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According to what I saw on tv this morning, the police had been trying to deal with the cow for a number of hours.  My first thought was 'A number of hours?   Did nobody think of a vet with a tranquiliser?' 


As for the Home Sec getting involved.  That wouldn't have happened had we not been in the run up to a Gen. Election. 


Anyway, the cow has been taken to a vet for a leg injury which apparently not that serious.  Seems a bit pointless when it'll probably be burgers before the end of the month. 

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18 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

According to what I saw on tv this morning, the police had been trying to deal with the cow for a number of hours.  My first thought was 'A number of hours?   Did nobody think of a vet with a tranquiliser?'


Or a local farmer? The place is about 5km from Heathrow, where they have an animal reception centre. I'm sure they could have helped with a cow.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:


Am I the only one to think about the car being a write-off, costing the taxpayer £10,000?

The Home Secretary James Cleverley was not supportive of the Police, yet the local PCC was supportive, which one was right?

Ill-advised spontaneous comments from politicians who should know better are not helpful.  Neither of these individuals should be poking their noses into an operational policing matter and  should await the outcome of the investigation.  Police officers on the ground have to make decisions after having made a dynamic (rapid) risk assessment.  If human life is endangered, then tough decisions have to be made.  Perhaps they didn't have time to wait for specialist support?  We'll know when the investigation has been completed and the report is out.

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8 minutes ago, Tipstaff said:

Ill-advised spontaneous comments from politicians who should know better are not helpful.  Neither of these individuals should be poking their noses into an operational policing matter and  should await the outcome of the investigation.  Police officers on the ground have to make decisions after having made a dynamic (rapid) risk assessment.  If human life is endangered, then tough decisions have to be made.  Perhaps they didn't have time to wait for specialist support?  We'll know when the investigation has been completed and the report is out.


Whilst you make a valid point about politicians keeping their noses out, the police did claim they'd been dealing with the issue for hours. People who know how to deal with loose livestock aren't that rare - even around Staines.

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52 minutes ago, altus said:


Whilst you make a valid point about politicians keeping their noses out, the police did claim they'd been dealing with the issue for hours. People who know how to deal with loose livestock aren't that rare - even around Staines.

And that’s the point isn’t it altus. The cow was loose in a built up urban area. It was probably more frightened than the “public who were put at danger”. 

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25 minutes ago, YorkieontheTyne said:

And that’s the point isn’t it altus. The cow was loose in a built up urban area. It was probably more frightened than the “public who were put at danger”. 

It was just a couple of bobbies showing off they want fining for cruelty and sacking .

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24 minutes ago, gaz 786 said:

It was just a couple of bobbies showing off they want fining for cruelty and sacking .

They’ve probably watched too many episodes of The Sweeney.

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6 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Anyway, the cow has been taken to a vet for a leg injury which apparently not that serious.  Seems a bit pointless when it'll probably be burgers before the end of the month. 


Will the police be paying for the vets bills?

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I'd like to know WHEN will the RSPCA be prosecuting this police officer.?


When I was a lad, the local farmer's cows used to get out of the field about twice a year, I remember this one year the farmer asked us to help him "Round " them up, we had great fun, our real life "Rawhide", and after, he gave us 5s (25p) to share amongst the three of us. - The cows used to "Escape" once a month after that.

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