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Attorney General of Kansas Sues Pfizer

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Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in a statement "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about it's (covid) vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth" 


He alleges that Pfizer misled on vaccine risks such as with pregnant women and myocarditis and that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented covid transmission (the company later admitted they never did proper studies to back up this claim. Another allegation claims Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of covid-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal governments program Operation Warp Speed to avoid government oversight.


Who's a thunk it eh???

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44 minutes ago, Top4719 said:

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in a statement "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about it's (covid) vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth" 


He alleges that Pfizer misled on vaccine risks such as with pregnant women and myocarditis and that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented covid transmission (the company later admitted they never did proper studies to back up this claim. Another allegation claims Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of covid-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal governments program Operation Warp Speed to avoid government oversight.


Who's a thunk it eh???

Yeah, its great news and about damn time. Like a few on here said again and again..

It'll all eventually come out in the wash. Looks like that's exactly what's beginning to happen. 

'Follow the science?'

Utter crap. 

Follow the money more like. I'm sure the character assassination of AG Kris Kobach by the mainstream media will start soon. 


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This chap I believe
Kobach teamed up with Wichita businessman to sell COVID-killing device. An investigation found no validity to their claims.  Kansas Reflector
NEW YORK CITY — In early October, Kris Kobach, Kansas’ former Secretary of State, and Daniel Drake, a Wichita-based venture capitalist-turned-CEO, made a sales pitch to Kansas legislators. The duo wheeled in what looked to lawmakers like a “refrigerator” — a shiny metal box Drake called a “revolutionary” device that would “kill COVID” and bring “several hundred jobs back to Wichita.”

“This stuff is very cutting-edge,” Kobach said. The local development of such exciting technology was why, he told lawmakers, he wanted Kansas to get the “first bite at the apple.”

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Yeah, its great news and about damn time. Like a few on here said again and again..

It'll all eventually come out in the wash. Looks like that's exactly what's beginning to happen. 

'Follow the science?'

Utter crap. 

Follow the money more like. I'm sure the character assassination of AG Kris Kobach by the mainstream media will start soon. 


Looks like it’s already started and the usual suspects are falling for it yet again, what will it take to make some people see the light 😂

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4 minutes ago, Top4719 said:

Looks like it’s already started and the usual suspects are falling for it yet again, what will it take to make some people see the light 😂


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1 hour ago, peak4 said:

This chap I believe

Kansas Reflector
NEW YORK CITY — In early October, Kris Kobach, Kansas’ former Secretary of State, and Daniel Drake, a Wichita-based venture capitalist-turned-CEO, made a sales pitch to Kansas legislators. The duo wheeled in what looked to lawmakers like a “refrigerator” — a shiny metal box Drake called a “revolutionary” device that would “kill COVID” and bring “several hundred jobs back to Wichita.”

“This stuff is very cutting-edge,” Kobach said. The local development of such exciting technology was why, he told lawmakers, he wanted Kansas to get the “first bite at the apple.”


"This project was a collaboration between the Kansas Reflector and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. The students who led this reporting were part of a fall investigative journalism program, which is part of the Masters of Science degree at the journalism school. Questions about the reporting can be directed to the Kansas Reflector, or Columbia adjunct professor Jessica Huseman"


"After a two-month investigation, Columbia Journalism School was unable to verify the vast majority of their statements".


That's how they evaluate technology? 😀


It's not like the associated company is selling pie in the sky stuff:

The 9 Best Lawn Mower Lifts

Apr 10, 2019  Currently, the best lawn mower lift is the MoJack Pro. Wiki researchers have been writing reviews of the latest lawn mower jacks since 2019.

But we know the guy hasn't a chance. We don't need no more white  heterosexual Captains of Commerce and industry, like  Henry Ford,  Edison, even Elon Musk and DJ Trump!


Maybe if he  wore a dress! They'd be falling all over each other to give him grants.


But he'd definitely have to change his name and get rid of that ex-Republican AG stuff!  😀

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8 hours ago, Top4719 said:

Kansas AG Kris Kobach said in a statement "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about it's (covid) vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth" 


He alleges that Pfizer misled on vaccine risks such as with pregnant women and myocarditis and that Pfizer claimed their vaccines prevented covid transmission (the company later admitted they never did proper studies to back up this claim. Another allegation claims Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of covid-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal governments program Operation Warp Speed to avoid government oversight.


Who's a thunk it eh???


Who'd have thunk it?


People suffering from paranoia that can't find the off button on their devices. 

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

Are people waking up at last?


Please try reading 'Controligarchs' by Seamus Bruner. 

Apparently not if you believe the usual few who continue to try to propagate scare stories in the face of overwhelming evidence as time goes by that the benefits of the various Covid vaccines far outweighed the unfortunate few who suffered serious adverse effects.

Armageddon has yet to arrive,

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