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Attorney General of Kansas Sues Pfizer

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44 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'm not sure 'willingly' is the right term to use. It was hardly a choice.


A great deal of coertion was involved. People who didn't get vaccinated were treated like lepers. You could be fined or imprisoned for not obeying 'the rules' (unless you were a politician...)

You weren't allowed to work, travel, or go in certain places without producing evidence of vaccination.

A great deal of information was withheld if it didn't fit the popular narrative. Which is now coming out and causing problems for the authorities. Long term effects of vaccination are still being felt.


People have short memories...


Cracking post that Anna 👏 

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6 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

What about ?

About what actually happened.

The restrictions (unless you were a politician,) the daily briefing, the lack of information. The Wuhan Lab, the isolation, the deserted streets, the mask wearing, no mask wearing, mask wearing mandatory, the propaganda, the PPI scandal, the drones spying on people out for a walk, Porton Down, the distance from home you were allowed to travel to exercise, the arrests, the inconsistencies, the moving goalposts, the hypocrisy, the clapping for the NHS, 'eat out to help out,' 'protect the NHS' (not the people,) the unused Nightingale hospitals, the injections, the injection after-effects, the commandeered car parks, the traffic light restrictions on entering shops, the care home scandal, the keep 6 feet apart signs, the supermarket half open trading restrictions, Boris at his lecturn, Chris Whitty 'following the science', the death toll statistics, the graphs, Christmas alone, Boris at the parties, people dying without loved ones, the unattended funerals, the Queen alone, the hospital and care home visitor restrictions, the volunteer shoppers, the University chaos, the closed schools, the working parent tutors, working from home, the shop workers, the weird TV programmes, the lost jobs, the... oh never mind, you get the idea...

And we are still reeping the whirlwind...

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

I'm not sure 'willingly' is the right term to use. It was hardly a choice.


A great deal of coertion was involved. People who didn't get vaccinated were treated like lepers. You could be fined or imprisoned for not obeying 'the rules' (unless you were a politician...)

You weren't allowed to work, travel, or go in certain places without producing evidence of vaccination.

A great deal of information was withheld if it didn't fit the popular narrative. Which is now coming out and causing problems for the authorities. Long term effects of vaccination are still being felt.


People have short memories...



Indeed they do, Anna.


While those with normal memories, remember that the Leftists were less concerned with actual health issues, than pure, raw, unadulterated political power.


In Democrat States church services and other normal community activities were banned. and severely restricted, while at the same time the Governors imposed no restrictions on the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, protesting, looting and burning in 22 major cities.


Some Governors actually joined the protesters!


The merits of the severe mitigation restrictions aside, the double standard in enforcement, was disgusting and totally unrelated to the public health risk factors. Transparent to anyone who payed attention.



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11 hours ago, Anna B said:

I'm not sure 'willingly' is the right term to use. It was hardly a choice.


A great deal of coertion was involved. People who didn't get vaccinated were treated like lepers. You could be fined or imprisoned for not obeying 'the rules' (unless you were a politician...)

You weren't allowed to work, travel, or go in certain places without producing evidence of vaccination.

A great deal of information was withheld if it didn't fit the popular narrative. Which is now coming out and causing problems for the authorities. Long term effects of vaccination are still being felt.


People have short memories...


I am absolutely sure that 99% plus of those who queued when eligible for the first rollout of  vaccines did so willingly and were impressed and grateful that effective vaccines had been developed more rapidly than expected.

A few declined the offer from the outset and a few felt obligated to get vaccinated  later due to travel ,jobs etc.

These exceptions have often been quoted along with wild scare stories on the “poisonous “ vaccines which are a form of coercion at least equal to the other side of the coin.

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51 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I am absolutely sure that 99% plus of those who queued when eligible for the first rollout of  vaccines did so willingly and were impressed and grateful that effective vaccines had been developed more rapidly than expected.

A few declined the offer from the outset and a few felt obligated to get vaccinated  later due to travel ,jobs etc.

These exceptions have often been quoted along with wild scare stories on the “poisonous “ vaccines which are a form of coercion at least equal to the other side of the coin.


It is fairly obvious that people who lined up to be vaccinated did so willingly. I was in a rush to get mine.


The real question was the driver of this "willingness"?


I was in a position that I needed to travel for family and business reasons. I have family and friends in the UK, Canada, and the DR. so my own experience is anecdotal.


Firstly when presented by the early announcements by the Health Authorities about this virus, as "previously unknown", originating in the area of biological lab in Communist China, "indiscriminate" in it's human toll, the first reaction was fear


This, from NIH, the leading Authority's Web Site   JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2020 Apr-Jun; 6(2): e19115.



The observed predicted values showed that the confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries will double in all the observed countries except China, Switzerland, and Germany. It was also observed that the death and recovery rates were rose faster when compared to confirmed cases over the next 2 months. The associated mortality rate will be much higher in the United States, Spain, and Italy followed by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The forecast analysis of the COVID-19 dynamics showed a different angle for the whole world, and it looks scarier than imagined, but recovery numbers start looking promising by July 7, 2020.

Keywords: SARS-COV2, COVID-19, coronavirus, forecast, prediction, ARIMA models"


Aside from some rather unscientific language, I highlighted in bold above, A quick perusal of the COVID Worldometer web site, reveals that they were way out. The U.S. comes in at 14th, and Spain at 37th, U.K. 18th, Italy at 22nd, France at 39th, Germany ay 51st


The fear was encouraged as part of the program to get people to take up the vaccine as soon as it was available and conform to the to the early mitigation methods suggested to save lives. Fear for themselves, their families, relatives and friends, which led them to embrace the only authoritative sources they had.


That and some virtue signalers, and some who were making a political statement of solidarity,  and many like myself, who needed the jabs to partake in any form of normal life.







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