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49 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:


"He(Bill Gates) donates millions to the BBC and donated £10 million to the Guardian. He doesn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart"

   Oh dear back to the Foreign, Far-right, factually wrong Libertarian propaganda which for some reason you squirreled away four years ago, to be use today.

   Get things right:

Bill Gates has given the BBC nothing.

The BBC is a public funded organization police by our Laws and our Parliament.

The accounts of the BBC are scrutinized and checked by independent, Government and Parliament.

Parliament requires the BBC to run and fund activities beyond broadcasting within, the UK one such service is the BBC World Service. 


In order that "Nations Shall Speak Unto Nations" the BBC is required:

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world


 To follow up on what is broadcast to Africa, the Near, Middle and Far Easts, Ukraine and the Balkans there is a charity called BBC Media Action registered and scrutinized in the UK which describes itself as "We believe in the power of media and communication to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights. Our aim is to inform, connect and empower people around the world."

   It appears that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have donated to this charity for the following purposes:


Empower women and girls

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Global health and development public awareness and analysis

Family planning

Enteric and Diarrhoeal diseases


Engage and inform communities


   It appears that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, unlike you, shares the values of the Charity, 

   If, one day you see merit in the work of this charity, you can donate at the BBC Media Action Charity website.

   If you think that  BBC Media Action Charity is misusing funds by using  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donations to influence the BBC- illegal - inform the Charity Commissioners in the UK,




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That all sounds lovely. However, I don't remember the BBC ever once using the word 'neoliberal'. They are trusted guardians of the secret that Peter Hutchison and George Monbiot expose in their book, The Invisible Doctrine.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:


I grew up in the 60s and 70s. Nothing much to compain about. I thought life was sweet and would continue that way.

I was wrong. Thatcher changed everything, and the miners strike was happening in my backyard remember, to people I knew. So yes, it was the miners' strike that got me interested in politics. And the more I found out the more I realised the system was flawed. 

I reckon I mention Thatcher in conversations at least weekly. Usually in conversations about neo liberalism. Nights at my house just fly by. She has a statue in Westminster and she is  absolutely revered as a gargantuan figure on the Right.

So Anna B are you actively engaged in politics ? Not asking you  to say which party or campaigning group 

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2 hours ago, Staunton said:

That all sounds lovely. However, I don't remember the BBC ever once using the word 'neoliberal'. They are trusted guardians of the secret that Peter Hutchison and George Monbiot expose in their book, The Invisible Doctrine.

Globalism, free market fundamentalism, other expressions

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2 hours ago, Janus said:


@Annie Bynnol

It is an interesting subject. How can/should people fight/push back against it?




The modern Conservative Party aren’t actually Conservative they’re more into classical liberal economics. I think it’s Tufton  street in  Westminster where all the neoliberal think tanks are located, the IEA, Centre for Policy Studies, Adam Smith Institute, Tax Payers Alliance etc.
In essence they’re lobby groups for the Tory Party and frequently on QT, Politics Today etc.

Educate, agitate, get involved, engaged in politics. Join a Union


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2 hours ago, Janus said:


@Annie Bynnol

It is an interesting subject. How can/should people fight/push back against it?




Now that's the real question. To which no one has a real answer. That's the tragedy of it, and what's driving people mad. There seems a severe shortage of hope for the future. 

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2 hours ago, Janus said:


@Annie Bynnol

It is an interesting subject. How can/should people fight/push back against it?




It's a good question. It is extremely difficult to counter a conspiracy that has been operating in secret for seventy years, with the backing of some of the richest individuals and corporations on earth.


Some here on Sheffield Forum have been steadfast in drawing attention to the secret doctrine of neoliberalism that has driven the world to crisis.


All we can do is seek to expose the facts, demonstrate how neoliberals operate, highlight their ultimate intention, namely wealth redistribution to the already wealthy by any means possible, and at the expense of everybody else.


For example, remind people of the disastrous premiership of Liz Truss, who was schooled personally by the Institute of Economic Affairs. This shadowy organisation, set up in the nineteen fifties with the singular intention of promoting neoliberalism (as Peter Hutchison and George Monbiot explain in The Invisible Doctrine, pp. 69-70), was behind her £45bn tax-cutting package, funded by more public borrowing, which meant profit for the rich at public expense.


Our only hope is to alert people to the fact that neoliberalism is a sham doctrine hiding a scandal of astonishing proportions that is drawing the whole world into crisis.

And that is an enormous struggle.


The BBC and other mainstream broadcasters are sworn to keep the secret. The press, even the Guardian, are determined to stay silent on the issue (with a few notable exceptions; among their writers - in particular, George Monbiot himself)


We'reon our own, I'm afraid.

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15 hours ago, Staunton said:

It's a good question. It is extremely difficult to counter a conspiracy that has been operating in secret for seventy years, with the backing of some of the richest individuals and corporations on earth.


Some here on Sheffield Forum have been steadfast in drawing attention to the secret doctrine of neoliberalism that has driven the world to crisis.


All we can do is seek to expose the facts, demonstrate how neoliberals operate, highlight their ultimate intention, namely wealth redistribution to the already wealthy by any means possible, and at the expense of everybody else.


For example, remind people of the disastrous premiership of Liz Truss, who was schooled personally by the Institute of Economic Affairs. This shadowy organisation, set up in the nineteen fifties with the singular intention of promoting neoliberalism (as Peter Hutchison and George Monbiot explain in The Invisible Doctrine, pp. 69-70), was behind her £45bn tax-cutting package, funded by more public borrowing, which meant profit for the rich at public expense.


Our only hope is to alert people to the fact that neoliberalism is a sham doctrine hiding a scandal of astonishing proportions that is drawing the whole world into crisis.

And that is an enormous struggle.


The BBC and other mainstream broadcasters are sworn to keep the secret. The press, even the Guardian, are determined to stay silent on the issue (with a few notable exceptions; among their writers - in particular, George Monbiot himself)


We'reon our own, I'm afraid.


Well let's start with facts like this:

'The top 25 members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) now worth more than $10 TRILLION have already amassed more economic power than the United states government, and are ready to seize control of your entire life.'

(Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner.)


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The next Labour government could start evening things up by reversing the changes to the tax system which started when Thatcher came into power when they began reducing income tax, the fairest form of tax whilst increasing VAT, the unfairest form of tax. Will they be brave enough to increase income tax whilst reducing VAT?  I doubt it.

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