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What Really Annoys You? (Post As Many Annoyances As You Like (Get It Off Your Chest!) :D

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I get annoyed when I see 'Americanisms' being used seemingly more and more in the U.K. I know that language is a fluid and changing thing, but I just can't help it. The latest one is how the use of the word 'Likely' is changing here to the American. Grrr. Yes, I know that there's more important things to be irriatated by in life. ;) 
I'll post more personal annoyances as the thread progresses (if it does!) 

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Folk who talk loud on their phones when on public transport.


Folk who put their feet on seats


Folk who don't say thanks when you give them right of way.



Actually, people in general.



And milk cartons.



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Seriously. The report in the paper where for instance a car has crashed into a wall/tree/ post box. There was only one person involved, the driver. But the report in the paper has to keep referring to “they” were breathalyser/arrested or whatever. 
If there’s only one person, it can’t be a “they”. It’s a he or a she.😡.

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Folk who talk loud on their phones when on public transport.


Folk who put their feet on seats


Folk who don't say thanks when you give them right of way.



Actually, people in general.



And milk cartons.



Points one, two and three, I absolutely agree!

I'm largely O.K with people, and milk cartons I don't use as I buy the plastic bottled stuff.

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