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What Really Annoys You? (Post As Many Annoyances As You Like (Get It Off Your Chest!) :D

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12 minutes ago, YorkieontheTyne said:

Seriously. The report in the paper where for instance a car has crashed into a wall/tree/ post box. There was only one person involved, the driver. But the report in the paper has to keep referring to “they” were breathalyser/arrested or whatever. 
If there’s only one person, it can’t be a “they”. It’s a he or a she.😡.

I wouldn't have thought of this, but I see what you mean. This wouldn't have niggled me before but it might start to now that you've pointed it out. :roll:  :lol:

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Just now, despritdan said:

People known as fly tippers who think nature reserves and green spaces are places to dump their rubbish when nobody's watching.

Yes, that's very, very annoying to say the least. The best that could come from it is if there's old postal packaging or letters in the rubbish with an address that can lead to whoever tipped or whoever was payed to take it away. Can lead to a conviction, but I don't know often it does. Probably not often.

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People who yawn without covering their mouth.

People who cough without covering their mouth.

People who chew with their mouth open.

People who speak with food in their mouth.

Noisy eaters.

Arrogant people.

Selfish people.

Greedy people.

People ( especially on TV ) referring to a group of men and women as ' guys ' ......   the women are not guys !!!

I'll leave it there  ........  for now.       🤣


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18 minutes ago, Draggletail said:

I wouldn't have thought of this, but I see what you mean. This wouldn't have niggled me before but it might start to now that you've pointed it out. :roll:  :lol:

Glad to be of help. I could go on about railway stations now being referred to as train stations, or being addressed as you guys when I’m sat at a table with a lady, servers when it’s a waiter or waitress, you see where I’m coming from here mate, opps sorry I meant person.

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5 minutes ago, francypants said:

People who yawn without covering their mouth.

People who cough without covering their mouth.

People who chew with their mouth open.

People who speak with food in their mouth.

Noisy eaters.

Arrogant people.

Selfish people.

Greedy people.

People ( especially on TV ) referring to a group of men and women as ' guys ' ......   the women are not guys !!!

I'll leave it there  ........  for now.       🤣


I'm with you with some of this. Referring to people as guys I don't do whatever gender they are.  It might come under my 'Americanisms' aversion, but it's so widespread now that it's probably in the Oxford Dictionary (or whichever dictionary it is that updates new inclusions to the English language every year or so) 

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21 minutes ago, francypants said:

People who yawn without covering their mouth.

People who cough without covering their mouth.

People who chew with their mouth open.

People who speak with food in their mouth.

Noisy eaters.

Arrogant people.

Selfish people.

Greedy people.

People ( especially on TV ) referring to a group of men and women as ' guys ' ......   the women are not guys !!!

I'll leave it there  ........  for now.       🤣


Plus people who 'wave' their cutlery about when eating/talking.

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9 minutes ago, YorkieontheTyne said:

Glad to be of help. I could go on about railway stations now being referred to as train stations, or being addressed as you guys when I’m sat at a table with a lady, servers when it’s a waiter or waitress, you see where I’m coming from here mate, opps sorry I meant person.

Yes, I'm with you on this, especially the "train stations" "guys" and "servers" This is what I mentioned in my post, American language mingling/merging into ours. It annoys me. Can't help it.

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1 minute ago, Draggletail said:

Yes, I'm with you on this, especially the "train stations" "guys" and "servers" This is what I mentioned in my post, American language mingling/merging into ours. It annoys me. Can't help it.

Have a nice day you all.

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