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Ecclesall Road/Abbeydale Road Bus Corridors Receive £3.52 Million Funding

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Sheffield’s plan to create bus priority traffic corridors along Abbeydale and Ecclesall Roads has secured £3.52 million in funding.


The South West Bus Corridors project aims to prioritise public transport along these main roads, enhancing connectivity and supporting sustainable transport initiatives. The plan includes junction improvements and traffic management changes at six key junctions along the roads. Additionally, camera enforcement will be implemented on existing bus lanes to address illegal parking.


Sheffield City Council's finance committee confirmed the funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. A report to the committee highlighted the importance of the scheme as part of Connecting Sheffield’s broader strategy to promote sustainable transport options.


“The South-West Bus Corridors scheme forms an important part of Connecting Sheffield’s plans for supporting the shift towards sustainable transport in and around the city, with the corridors connecting large residential areas to the south-west of Sheffield with employment opportunities, retail, and leisure in the city centre. Its aim is to improve public transport connectivity within the Abbeydale Road and Ecclesall Road corridors in south-west Sheffield both to and from the city centre,” the report stated.


In addition to the bus corridors project, the committee approved contributing £21,000 to Northern Railway for a cycle hub at Meadowhall Interchange, which will store up to 40 bikes and include a maintenance stand with tools. A £52,500 budget increase was also approved for creating 12 on-street bike hangers around the city.

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£21k for a bike rack? Is it made of gold? 

Also if you want to improve Abbeydale/Ecclesall roads then start enforcing restrictions already in place, particularly in the evening and weekends when the takeaways and their drivers think rules don't apply to them. Additonally ban taxis from bus lanes and bus gates as the vast majority abuse and cause issues for buses

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2 hours ago, Resident said:

£21k for a bike rack? Is it made of gold? 

Also if you want to improve Abbeydale/Ecclesall roads then start enforcing restrictions already in place, particularly in the evening and weekends when the takeaways and their drivers think rules don't apply to them. Additonally ban taxis from bus lanes and bus gates as the vast majority abuse and cause issues for buses

Additionally, camera enforcement will be implemented on existing bus lanes to address illegal parking.

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2 hours ago, Resident said:

£21k for a bike rack? Is it made of gold? 

Also if you want to improve Abbeydale/Ecclesall roads then start enforcing restrictions already in place, particularly in the evening and weekends when the takeaways and their drivers think rules don't apply to them. Additonally ban taxis from bus lanes and bus gates as the vast majority abuse and cause issues for buses

It’s not a “bike rack” though, is it?


It’s a building with bike storage and maintenance facilities. You can see photos in this article.


They already know exactly what the problems are on those roads and the scheme being implemented is designed to address them. The schemes include camera enforcement. There’s a report describing the schemes, which contains plans here

The originally planned red routes would probably have been better, but didn’t get public support.


Whether or not to allow taxis and private hire into bus lanes / gates is very much a local political decision. In my experience, the cabs don’t tend to cause buses many issues. Some places allow both, some only hackney cabs and some not at all. The argument to allow them is that they are a form of public transport, so should get priority.

Stopping cabs using bus facilities wouldn’t be straightforward, as all the signing would need to be amended and all the traffic regulation orders would need to be changed.

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17 minutes ago, Planner1 said:


Whether or not to allow taxis and private hire into bus lanes / gates is very much a local political decision. In my experience, the cabs don’t tend to cause buses many issues. Some places allow both, some only hackney cabs and some not at all. The argument to allow them is that they are a form of public transport, so should get priority.

Stopping cabs using bus facilities wouldn’t be straightforward, as all the signing would need to be amended and all the traffic regulation orders would need to be changed.

Taxis are NOT public transport. 

1. The term PRIVATE HIRE is the biggest clue
2. They're not subject to PCV licencing/CPC
3. They're not currently subject to the government ordered fare cap of £2 per single journey. 

Your experience of taxis not causing issues must be very much out of date. Spend 10 minutes on Arundel Gate near Norfolk Street during the day and you will see multiple taxis excessively speeding down lane 2 trying to beat buses to the lights outside Poundland, almost always cutting up buses because they gotta get in front. 
Or go and stand at the junction of Blonk St and Wicker and watch them make multiple illegal turns, usually cutting up or blocking off the road whilst they wait to make those illegal turns. 

ALL of this gets reported to SYP & SCC but being a weak willed authority, scared of their own shadow in case they offend someone, nothing gets done. 

So it can be done but again it comes back to SCC being weak willed. 

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15 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Sheffield’s plan to create bus priority traffic corridors along Abbeydale and Ecclesall Roads has secured £3.52 million in funding.


The South West Bus Corridors project aims to prioritise public transport along these main roads, enhancing connectivity and supporting sustainable transport initiatives. The plan includes junction improvements and traffic management changes at six key junctions along the roads. Additionally, camera enforcement will be implemented on existing bus lanes to address illegal parking.


Sheffield City Council's finance committee confirmed the funding from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. A report to the committee highlighted the importance of the scheme as part of Connecting Sheffield’s broader strategy to promote sustainable transport options.


“The South-West Bus Corridors scheme forms an important part of Connecting Sheffield’s plans for supporting the shift towards sustainable transport in and around the city, with the corridors connecting large residential areas to the south-west of Sheffield with employment opportunities, retail, and leisure in the city centre. Its aim is to improve public transport connectivity within the Abbeydale Road and Ecclesall Road corridors in south-west Sheffield both to and from the city centre,” the report stated.


In addition to the bus corridors project, the committee approved contributing £21,000 to Northern Railway for a cycle hub at Meadowhall Interchange, which will store up to 40 bikes and include a maintenance stand with tools. A £52,500 budget increase was also approved for creating 12 on-street bike hangers around the city.

52 grand for 12 bike hangers ( over 4 grand each) . I wish I was still in the fabrication shop. 

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6 hours ago, Resident said:

Taxis are NOT public transport. 

1. The term PRIVATE HIRE is the biggest clue
2. They're not subject to PCV licencing/CPC
3. They're not currently subject to the government ordered fare cap of £2 per single journey. 

Your experience of taxis not causing issues must be very much out of date. Spend 10 minutes on Arundel Gate near Norfolk Street during the day and you will see multiple taxis excessively speeding down lane 2 trying to beat buses to the lights outside Poundland, almost always cutting up buses because they gotta get in front. 
Or go and stand at the junction of Blonk St and Wicker and watch them make multiple illegal turns, usually cutting up or blocking off the road whilst they wait to make those illegal turns. 

ALL of this gets reported to SYP & SCC but being a weak willed authority, scared of their own shadow in case they offend someone, nothing gets done. 

So it can be done but again it comes back to SCC being weak willed. 

Others will disagree with your assessment and contend that taxi’s ( and private hire) are public transport.


Trains aren’t subject to the three points you raise, but they are public transport. Cabs are available to anyone and they are regulated and licensed.


The politicians here regard hackneys and private hire as public transport and want them to be able to use bus lanes


Do any of the misdemeanours you describe actually cause issues and delays to buses?


The offences you describe cabs committing are generally only enforced by the police, so quite what that has to do with the council being “weak willed” is beyond me.


Councils outside London are only just getting powers to enforce banned turns and the council have already published a list of sites they intend to enforce by camera. They are not going to be able to camera enforce every potential spot that anyone might make a banned turn.

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Others will disagree with your assessment and contend that taxi’s ( and private hire) are public transport.


Trains aren’t subject to the three points you raise, but they are public transport. Cabs are available to anyone and they are regulated and licensed.


The politicians here regard hackneys and private hire as public transport and want them to be able to use bus lanes


Do any of the misdemeanours you describe actually cause issues and delays to buses?


The offences you describe cabs committing are generally only enforced by the police, so quite what that has to do with the council being “weak willed” is beyond me.


Councils outside London are only just getting powers to enforce banned turns and the council have already published a list of sites they intend to enforce by camera. They are not going to be able to camera enforce every potential spot that anyone might make a banned turn.

They can disagree all they want, I refer back to point 1. 

So you think that causing 12ton vehicles, with people not secured by a seatbelt, doesn't cause any issues when forced to take evasive action due to the dangerous driving of a taxi who just has to be in front for no other reason than the idea that they can do as they please, an idea foistered by the lack of enforcement by SCC & SYP? 

SCC can do something about it, they choose not to because their spines are missing. The vast majority of offenders sport Sheffield issued plates, that can be revoked. 

You can bet your last penny it'd happen if someone connected to a councillor was injured because of these incidents.

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