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Do you have a Significant Other? What would you do if you became single?

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Seems a bit random I know but the little un asked me today if I'm ever going to meet someone. I was a bit surprised by the question but apparently she's been noticing that I sometimes seem lonely. 

She's right, I do but I do what any other parent does and plod on regardless. I've been single for 8 years now and if I'm honest I'd like to have a partner to share laughs, conversation, the good times and the bad. And I do miss a good old cuddle but I'm resigned to the fact I'm unlikely to meet anyone new. I've accepted it. 

Tbh I'd probably be afraid of getting into another relationship as my marriage was an utter disaster and left 'scars' so although I do get lonely I very much doubt I'd risk taking the plunge again 

What about you lot?

Any divorcees who've found love?

Have you been married/together for a long time? If your relationship failed would you jump straight back on the relationship train and find someone else or would you take it as a sign you're probably best off being on your own?


Your thoughts?

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Seems a bit random I know but the little un asked me today if I'm ever going to meet someone. I was a bit surprised by the question but apparently she's been noticing that I sometimes seem lonely. 

She's right, I do but I do what any other parent does and plod on regardless. I've been single for 8 years now and if I'm honest I'd like to have a partner to share laughs, conversation, the good times and the bad. And I do miss a good old cuddle but I'm resigned to the fact I'm unlikely to meet anyone new. I've accepted it. 

Tbh I'd probably be afraid of getting into another relationship as my marriage was an utter disaster and left 'scars' so although I do get lonely I very much doubt I'd risk taking the plunge again 

What about you lot?

Any divorcees who've found love?

Have you been married/together for a long time? If your relationship failed would you jump straight back on the relationship train and find someone else or would you take it as a sign you're probably best off being on your own?


Your thoughts?

Do you want a hug .

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