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Do you have a Significant Other? What would you do if you became single?

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7 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yeah, and can you as him to turn some water into wine whilst he's performing miracles 


Not as 🙄

For crying out loud I really need to triple check before hitting Submit Reply. 

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


Not as 🙄

For crying out loud I really need to triple check before hitting Submit Reply. 

Having some bother tonight aren’t you 😀 Don’t worry ask your mucker to  change it , again . 

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 Having been named Co-respondent  in 2 divorces (both) Husbands were nasty bullies with women, I felt obliged to step up 1st arrived surprisingly at my parent house, with all her belongings in one bag, I was 18 at the time turned my bedroom into a bedsit, until we could afford to rent a flat that relationship ended after 13 years, she passed on in 1999


2nd relationship is still going strong after 24 years and resigned to the fact we really aren't going to make the effort ever again, as it would be hard to find anyone that would put up with either of us 😂


Both happy enough, and always a bonus we love/Loved and hate/hated the same things 😂



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2 hours ago, Rollypolly said:

Having recently become single I can safely say I'll never look for a replacement. Maybe age has something to do with it but after more than 50 years together I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone else. It's still raw but I'm managing to get on with a new way of life. Having been part of a couple for so many years I'm finding it difficult to make any friends but I'm sure that will change in time. 

I'm staying single and I believe you're being wise too,  I'm not lonely as my sons live with me.

There are single women on this forum who live in Sheffield of a similar age to you, send her a pm if you're outgoing.

Some guys are like a moth to a flame if they notice someone 'fragile/vulnerable' my best advice would be don't accept the desperate types and avoid

the ones who aren't mature.

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10 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Seems a bit random I know but the little un asked me today if I'm ever going to meet someone. I was a bit surprised by the question but apparently she's been noticing that I sometimes seem lonely. 

She's right, I do but I do what any other parent does and plod on regardless. I've been single for 8 years now and if I'm honest I'd like to have a partner to share laughs, conversation, the good times and the bad. And I do miss a good old cuddle but I'm resigned to the fact I'm unlikely to meet anyone new. I've accepted it. 

Tbh I'd probably be afraid of getting into another relationship as my marriage was an utter disaster and left 'scars' so although I do get lonely I very much doubt I'd risk taking the plunge again 

What about you lot?

Any divorcees who've found love?

Have you been married/together for a long time? If your relationship failed would you jump straight back on the relationship train and find someone else or would you take it as a sign you're probably best off being on your own?


Your thoughts?

Spot on Daddy,

I lost my wife 9 years ago, 53 years of happiness gone..

Not a day goes by where I don't think of her, and I still shed a tear.

I do feel lonely at times, but I manage to combat the loneliness by talking to myself, I'm fortunate that I love my own company..

Years ago loneliness was a killer, but not today, today we have amenities to alleviate feeling lonely.

I spend time watching U-tube, Netflix, snooker, football all on a 50inch colour TV.

My old mam had a black and white 12inch TV to keep her company.

I've also got the responsibility of running "Padders Bar"

I've plenty of things to keep me occupied, and of course you guys on the Forum help a lot.

Having said all that, I do miss the attentions of a female companion, but as you say, it ain't gunna happen.

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Hopefully SheffieldForum will organise a  social night in the future for those who live in Sheffield and surrounding area to meet up and new friendships are made.

I’m  sure Padders will have a room in his bar that can be hired out for such an event, at a discount price  of course. 

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24 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

Hopefully SheffieldForum will organise a  social night in the future for those who live in Sheffield and surrounding area to meet up and new friendships are made.

I’m  sure Padders will have a room in his bar that can be hired out for such an event, at a discount price  of course. 

Wash your mouth out,  “discount price “ .

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Been married for 53 years to the girl of my dreams and, no doubt, a few others blokes’ dreams also. So I’m really lucky. My ‘significant other’ is much younger than me and so I plan for the day when she’ll be single again and not me.

If, God forgive, it did happen the other way round then I would be devastated but I would carry on regardless. Always been active and community minded and that wouldn’t change.

We have three sons and are a very close family and so I know the support would be there.

As for other relationships then probably not although you can never say never, can you.



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