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Do you have a Significant Other? What would you do if you became single?

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I often sit and think about acquaintances, friends and relatives who for various reasons have ended up living on their own. A few never married ( either through choice or they simply never found ' the one ' )   Others were married but later divorced, then there are the ones who sadly are on their own because their partner/ spouse has passed away.  In many ways I feel so lucky.

This year  ( On Boxing Day  ... 26th December )  my husband and I are celebrating 50 years of wonderful married life.

We met 53 years ago as 16 year olds on the dodgems at a fairground   😂  and married aged 19 in 1974.    Our daughter was born in 1977 followed by our son in 1980.    We now have  4 wonderful grandchildren who are  13, 15, 16 and 19 this year.  Our daughter and son in law have been married 17 years this year and it's our son and daughter in law's 20th wedding anniversary today.   It may sound corny but we're one big happy and extremely close family.

My husband is 5 weeks older than myself and unfortunately not in the best of health. He's insulin dependant diabetic and has had cardiac issues. He had an aortic stent fitted a few years ago which is working fine.   37 years ago he had testicular cancer which he thankfully recovered from.  ( Many thanks to all the NHS staff involved )

If I pop my clogs before him, I hope he does whatever makes him happy.

I can honestly say that if he goes before me,  I definitely would not want anybody else even just a companion.   I have had such a happy marriage with my  'soulmate'  I feel that I would be forever comparing them which would be so wrong.

Everybody is different though so whatever makes you happy   .........  go for it,  you're only here once.     

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3 hours ago, francypants said:

I often sit and think about acquaintances, friends and relatives who for various reasons have ended up living on their own. A few never married ( either through choice or they simply never found ' the one ' )   Others were married but later divorced, then there are the ones who sadly are on their own because their partner/ spouse has passed away.  In many ways I feel so lucky.

This year  ( On Boxing Day  ... 26th December )  my husband and I are celebrating 50 years of wonderful married life.

We met 53 years ago as 16 year olds on the dodgems at a fairground   😂  and married aged 19 in 1974.    Our daughter was born in 1977 followed by our son in 1980.    We now have  4 wonderful grandchildren who are  13, 15, 16 and 19 this year.  Our daughter and son in law have been married 17 years this year and it's our son and daughter in law's 20th wedding anniversary today.   It may sound corny but we're one big happy and extremely close family.

My husband is 5 weeks older than myself and unfortunately not in the best of health. He's insulin dependant diabetic and has had cardiac issues. He had an aortic stent fitted a few years ago which is working fine.   37 years ago he had testicular cancer which he thankfully recovered from.  ( Many thanks to all the NHS staff involved )

If I pop my clogs before him, I hope he does whatever makes him happy.

I can honestly say that if he goes before me,  I definitely would not want anybody else even just a companion.   I have had such a happy marriage with my  'soulmate'  I feel that I would be forever comparing them which would be so wrong.

Everybody is different though so whatever makes you happy   .........  go for it,  you're only here once.     

That was like reading a love story Francy,  I hope you will have more happiness to come.   The most impressive thing is that you have been such a support to one another - and to your children and grandchilden.

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4 hours ago, francypants said:

I often sit and think about acquaintances, friends and relatives who for various reasons have ended up living on their own. A few never married ( either through choice or they simply never found ' the one ' )   Others were married but later divorced, then there are the ones who sadly are on their own because their partner/ spouse has passed away.  In many ways I feel so lucky.

This year  ( On Boxing Day  ... 26th December )  my husband and I are celebrating 50 years of wonderful married life.

We met 53 years ago as 16 year olds on the dodgems at a fairground   😂  and married aged 19 in 1974.    Our daughter was born in 1977 followed by our son in 1980.    We now have  4 wonderful grandchildren who are  13, 15, 16 and 19 this year.  Our daughter and son in law have been married 17 years this year and it's our son and daughter in law's 20th wedding anniversary today.   It may sound corny but we're one big happy and extremely close family.

My husband is 5 weeks older than myself and unfortunately not in the best of health. He's insulin dependant diabetic and has had cardiac issues. He had an aortic stent fitted a few years ago which is working fine.   37 years ago he had testicular cancer which he thankfully recovered from.  ( Many thanks to all the NHS staff involved )

If I pop my clogs before him, I hope he does whatever makes him happy.

I can honestly say that if he goes before me,  I definitely would not want anybody else even just a companion.   I have had such a happy marriage with my  'soulmate'  I feel that I would be forever comparing them which would be so wrong.

Everybody is different though so whatever makes you happy   .........  go for it,  you're only here once.     

That's exactly how I feel. No one else would compare.

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Great thread. 
It's three years since we parted and divorced. I very much wish it hadn't come to that. I'm not in the market for meeting another. We were so in love for a long time, someone once described us as soulmates, and it certainly felt that way. Another friend said that she'd never seen two people so in love. I count myself lucky that we had that time together.  As you say, we plod on.

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I'm on my own. Wouldn't say I'm lonely, just 'on my own'. Met and married a lovely woman 37 years ago and had three boys. We'd spend hours out in the countryside together, watching the lads play and learn. It was the joy of 'our' offspring growing up that bound us I think.


Sadly, as the kids got older, more independent and didn't need us quite so much we drifted apart.


Seven years ago, after much bickering and frustration we separated and divorced.


'Oo good', I thought, 'I can do what I want now. Come and go as I please. Answerable to no one. Maybe find myself a 'stunner'.  How wrong could I be. Where is that 'someone' when I need to share a thought? Our special places, although still special to me, aren't 'our' places anymore.


When I sit down and just want to reminisce, I talk to myself. It's just not the same. That 'stunner' I sought was really the lass I'd just divorced.


Would I want to get involved with someone new? I doubt it. She wouldn't be part of the best bits of my life … my memories, and that wouldn't be fair on her.


No, I'm not lonely … I am alone though and shall remain so because no other bugger would have me.

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4 minutes ago, mad-dad said:

I'm on my own. Wouldn't say I'm lonely, just 'on my own'. Met and married a lovely woman 37 years ago and had three boys. We'd spend hours out in the countryside together, watching the lads play and learn. It was the joy of 'our' offspring growing up that bound us I think.


Sadly, as the kids got older, more independent and didn't need us quite so much we drifted apart.


Seven years ago, after much bickering and frustration we separated and divorced.


'Oo good', I thought, 'I can do what I want now. Come and go as I please. Answerable to no one. Maybe find myself a 'stunner'.  How wrong could I be. Where is that 'someone' when I need to share a thought? Our special places, although still special to me, aren't 'our' places anymore.


When I sit down and just want to reminisce, I talk to myself. It's just not the same. That 'stunner' I sought was really the lass I'd just divorced.


Would I want to get involved with someone new? I doubt it. She wouldn't be part of the best bits of my life … my memories, and that wouldn't be fair on her.


No, I'm not lonely … I am alone though and shall remain so because no other bugger would have me.

Really very well put. 

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20 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Seems a bit random I know but the little un asked me today if I'm ever going to meet someone. I was a bit surprised by the question but apparently she's been noticing that I sometimes seem lonely. 

She's right, I do but I do what any other parent does and plod on regardless. I've been single for 8 years now and if I'm honest I'd like to have a partner to share laughs, conversation, the good times and the bad. And I do miss a good old cuddle but I'm resigned to the fact I'm unlikely to meet anyone new. I've accepted it. 

Tbh I'd probably be afraid of getting into another relationship as my marriage was an utter disaster and left 'scars' so although I do get lonely I very much doubt I'd risk taking the plunge again 

What about you lot?

Any divorcees who've found love?

Have you been married/together for a long time? If your relationship failed would you jump straight back on the relationship train and find someone else or would you take it as a sign you're probably best off being on your own?


Your thoughts?

I’m 43 and if I split up with my mrs I don’t think I could be bothered to even try and meet someone else.


couldn’t do with the stress and hassle of starting going out on dates and things like that.


I think I’d just get a flat in a nice part of town and live there with me dog for company. 

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4 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Well I’ve has three serious relationships in my life, two have died and I’m still married to the third.

Fingers crossed that it’s third time lucky for you then crookesey.



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