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Royal Mail postman caught scribbling ‘racists’ over Reform UK leaflets

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A slightly longer version here, along with a link to a Youtube video; a bit more conversations about the police car, Islam, finance and suggesting a paramedic should deny patients life saving treatment etc.  None of this really changes anything for Sheffield residents of course, as I don't think there are any Reform candidates standing.

Reform UK campaign figure outlines vision
The programme’s report returns to the scene at a Clacton pub where senior campaign figures meet.

Mr Jones tells the undercover investigator why Reform UK chose Clacton, saying:

“Have a look around. Proper England. You know what I mean? Proper English.

Not like in London when you’re a foreigner in your own country, and if you say ‘hello’ to someone they look like they’re about to f****** knife you in the face”.


I'm a little curious about this one too, though it's departing from the original thread title.
Clacton: Labour 'block own candidate' from campaigning against Reform  The National, who may of course have their own agenda north of the border.

Owusu-Nepaul's campaign has been sidelined after Labour bosses had been angered over the attention the Clacton candidate was receiving online.

“At one point [Owusu-Nepaul] was getting more retweets than Keir Starmer. The officials were furious with him and said he was distracting [from] Starmer’s campaign,” a campaign source told the Guardian.

Tracey Lewis, a Labour activist from Clacton, quit the CLP over the treatment of Owusu-Nepaul after he was sent to campaign in the West Midlands.

She said: “I’m a lifelong Labour supporter and will continue to be even though I’ve quit my place on the CLP, but if they can’t put a fight up against Nigel Farage, then who are they fighting for?”

Another member of the local party, Chris Bee, said: “Our candidate gets some real traction and with a week-and-a-bit to go they pull him out and will not allow him back into the constituency to fight for a place in this area’s most important election in a generation.


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UKIP: "Vote to leave the EU and the UK will be a much better place to live"


Gullible people: "Yeah ok, sounds good"


Reform: "Ok, the UK has not become even a little bit better place to live. But vote for us and we'll make it much better"


Gullible people: "Yeah ok, sounds good"

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3 hours ago, Delbow said:

UKIP: "Vote to leave the EU and the UK will be a much better place to live"


Gullible people: "Yeah ok, sounds good"


Reform: "Ok, the UK has not become even a little bit better place to live. But vote for us and we'll make it much better"


Gullible people: "Yeah ok, sounds good"

My bold

The same as any other political party. They all lie. They all go back on their promises. They are all in it for themselves in one way or another. 

I reckon we should have get rid of the traditional parties and elect an anarchist instead.

@melthebell Fancy the job fella? 

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Personally, I hardly ever berated anyone for the way they voted in the original referendum, as folk could only make an informed choice on the information presented to them, so I'm not sure I'd call them gullible.
I was borderline leave/remain myself, so it would be rather hypocritical to chew at others who may have been borderline themselves.
Since then, and so many lies and misrepresentations have been formally exposed, I'm quite openly critical of those who make subsequent excuses for those lies.
Remember we were promised that no-one would trigger Article 50 without a formal plan, or that some Brexit campaigners promised we wouldn't need to leave the CU or single market??

Open Britain Exposes All The Times Brexiters Promised We Wouldn't Leave The Single Market  Huff Post 2016
If I had decided to vote leave because I believed the lies, I was nearly taken in by them, and thus expected a Norway/EFTA style relationship, I'd be furious.

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