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Nurses Sue Employer For Allowing Trans Women To Use Their Changing Rooms

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This nonsense has gone way beyond any level of commonsense. I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who genuinely struggles with their sexual identity .

Life has problems for all of us, but to have to deal with something like that must be very difficult. However, it is blindingly obvious that there are those who take advantage of this for their own purposes.  The idea that someone can just self identify as a different gender to the one they were born with is nonsensical.

As a husband, and father of two daughters, and grandfather to a granddaughter the idea that someone with male genitalia can simply say they identify as a woman and then walk into a female toilet or dressing room is completely ridiculous.

J K Rowling and Graham Lenihan are totally correct and the animosity they have had to face for speaking the truth is disgusting.

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Four nurses working for the NHS are suing the British health executive over its transgender policy which allows biological males to use women’s single sex spaces. 


The four women, Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, and Tracey Hooper who work at the Darlington Memorial Hospital in Durham argue that the policy which allows men who identify as women into their changing room facility is putting them at risk. 


Speaking on behalf of the group Bethany Hutchinson they wanted “women to be aware that there are transgender policies, particularly in the NHS, that are putting us at risk”.

She continued saying in a statement, “Other nurses are terrified of sticking their heads above the parapet. We are speaking out for us and for those who are too afraid to. This cannot be right, and we want a change in policy, not only at our hospital but across the NHS and wider society.”


“The meetings we have had at the hospital have been threatening and intimidating. To say we need educating when staff have multiple degrees was deeply insulting and demonstrates a failure of care towards female staff, some of whom are vulnerable.


“There have been times when I have been alone with ‘Rose’ in the changing rooms and have panicked. Rose looks very masculine, and it is a shock. I and my colleagues should not feel afraid at work. It is disgraceful that nurses are ending up in tears before they have to go and provide emotional support to our patients. It is very difficult to do that if you are already in a state of distress because you are having to get changed in front of a male.


“I am a Christian, but these policies are and will impact every woman from every background.


“We will pursue this matter for as long as it takes to ensure women’s spaces are protected.” she said


Are they justified or are they just transphobic?


Your thoughts?



Get another room for transgenders sorted 

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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:

This nonsense has gone way beyond any level of commonsense. I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who genuinely struggles with their sexual identity .

Life has problems for all of us, but to have to deal with something like that must be very difficult. However, it is blindingly obvious that there are those who take advantage of this for their own purposes.  The idea that someone can just self identify as a different gender to the one they were born with is nonsensical.

As a husband, and father of two daughters, and grandfather to a granddaughter the idea that someone with male genitalia can simply say they identify as a woman and then walk into a female toilet or dressing room is completely ridiculous.

J K Rowling and Graham Lenihan are totally correct and the animosity they have had to face for speaking the truth is disgusting.

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6 minutes ago, m williamson said:

This nonsense has gone way beyond any level of commonsense. I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who genuinely struggles with their sexual identity .

Life has problems for all of us, but to have to deal with something like that must be very difficult. However, it is blindingly obvious that there are those who take advantage of this for their own purposes.  The idea that someone can just self identify as a different gender to the one they were born with is nonsensical.

As a husband, and father of two daughters, and grandfather to a granddaughter the idea that someone with male genitalia can simply say they identify as a woman and then walk into a female toilet or dressing room is completely ridiculous.

J K Rowling and Graham Lenihan are totally correct and the animosity they have had to face for speaking the truth is disgusting.

Very well said 👏 

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48 minutes ago, Bellatrix said:


There is nothing at all transphobic about not wanting a male, trans identified or otherwise, in a female single sex space.  Whether that's a changing room, a prison, a rape crisis centre, a hostel, a lesbian group or any other space from which males are typically and reasonably excluded.


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4 minutes ago, Slighty batty said:

I’ve shared a ladies toilet with a male colleague who was in the process of a sex change. I found it no problem at all, and none of the other women in the office had any issues either.  OK this is a changing room, but they won’t be taking their knickers and bras off will they? What is there to see which isn’t already on display on any beach? Would they object to a male doctor seeing a half dressed or naked woman? No, that happens all the time. So why the issue with a transgender colleague seeing them getting changed? 

Good for you.  Not every woman feels like you or believes what you do.  That may be for religious reasons, cultural reasons, personal reasons, or, as here that women choose, in their professional single sex space, not to undress in front of anyone other than another female. 


Given that we are talking about changing rooms, which may include changing rooms used in female sports, we are talking about being naked.


The beach example is silly, given the distinction between well-populated public spaces and issues of consent.


The medical example is silly, given the nature of the interaction between doctor and patient.



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Here's a thread elsewhere.  A report of...


... a man who claims to be a woman, behaves inappropriately, is sexually active (trying for a baby with his partner) yet is given access to women undressing as he claims to be trans.

Following two formal written complaints where the response was that they needed to be be "more inclusive', 'broaden their mindset' and 'be educated and attend training" six of the nurses are now going to an employment tribunal claiming sexual harassment and sexual discrimination.


Reminds me very much of the rape victims told by the trans identified male head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre to 'reframe their trauma' when they expressed the need to not be in a counselling environment with males.  The centre also refused to refer rape victims to Beira's Place - a rape crisis centre that caters for women and is staffed exclusively by woman - or even to mention that such a place existed in the same city.

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10 minutes ago, Bellatrix said:

Good for you.  Not every woman feels like you or believes what you do.  That may be for religious reasons, cultural reasons, personal reasons, or, as here that women choose, in their professional single sex space, not to undress in front of anyone other than another female. 


Given that we are talking about changing rooms, which may include changing rooms used in female sports, we are talking about being naked.


The beach example is silly, given the distinction between well-populated public spaces and issues of consent.


The medical example is silly, given the nature of the interaction between doctor and patient.



We aren’t talking about changing rooms for sports are we though? This is about a changing room in a hospital and people don’t usual strip off completely naked just to put a nurses uniform on. The medical example is not “silly” given that we’re taking about medical professionals working in a hospital. As for the beach, if you’re OK with the whole world and his dog looking at you in a bikini or swimsuit then why get worked up about being seen somewhere in your bra and pants. Now you say only women should be allowed in these female spaces…. so a lesbian woman, who finds other women attractive, is ok to go in,  but a man who identifies as female (and who isn’t the slightest bit interested in women) needs to stay out. I don’t find that logical 

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